Part 7

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Time skip
Amelia's POV
Ayla went to talk to Jaden. I wonder what he thinks about me. I go in the living room and sit by daelo and we watch a movie.

Jaylas POV
I go to jadens room and see wanna in there to. "Hey jaden can i talk to you alone?" I say.
"Sure what's up?" Jaden says as javon leaves the room. "Okay so what do you think of amelia and be honest please I won't tell her" I say even tho I'm 100% gonna tell Amelia. "Oh uhm I think she's really pretty,hot, and I may have a crush on her" he says really fast. "Wow-" I say. I was suprised haha. "But I feel like she dosent like me because I use to hate her" jaden says. "I'm pretty sure she likes you!" I say. Omgggg Amelia's gonna be so happy. "Thanks" jaden says. "Ofc" i say. "Can you ask her what she thinks about me?" Jaden says. "Yea sure I'll be right back"I say. I run out and go downstairs to amelia. "Amelia come upstairs!" I say happy. "Okay coming!!" Amelia says. "Sooo. What did he say?" Amelia asks. "He told me not to tell you but I'm gonna tell you anyway! He said that your really pretty and hot and he thinks he has a crush on youuuuu" I say. "OMGG yayayayyaaay" Amelia says. "He told me to ask what you think about him" I say. "Well...... When I look at him my stomach gets twisted up and his voice makes me fold and he makes me happy and I think I like him like a lot....." Amelia says. "Aww so cute!" I say. "Can I tell him?!?! Pleaseeeeee" I say. "Fine but if he says something I'm running away" Amelia says. "Yay okay I'll be right back!" I say. "Okay..." Amelia says. "JADEN" I say. "What?" He says. "AMELIA LIKES YOU!!!! YOU NEED TO TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL NOT MEE" I say. "Wait really?!" Jaden says. "Yup she said when she looks at you her stomach gets twisted up and your voice makes her fold and you make her happy!" I say. "I think ima tell her tonight..." jaden says. " okay" I say. "AMELIA COME HERE" I say " what are you doing?!" Jaden says. "Yes?" Amelia says. "Okay gtg byee" I say leaving them alone. I go to wannas room and tell him how much I ship jaden and Amelia.

Amelia's POV
"Sooo" I say awkwardly. "Uhm i just want to say that I like you alot and your really pretty..." jaden says. Im screaming in the inside rn. "Aw jaden I like you to!" I say. Me and jaden make eye contact and start leaning in and his soft lips touch mine. It turned into a heated make out. He pushed me on the bed and started to kiss me again and starts to kiss my neck. He started to take off my clothes until there was a knock. "Yo jaden open the door" javon says. "Okay one second" he said breathing heavily. "What are y'all doing in their" javon said. "Nothing" jaden says getting up and opens the door. "WOAH WHERE YALL ABOUT TO FUCK"javon says. "Bro shut up" jaden says. I walk out and go to jaylas room and tell her what happened. We ended up going live.

A/N sorry this chapter is short! I'm fixing to go watch the black phone so good luck me to me haha! Love y'all <3

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