Welcome Party

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Chapter: 02

Stella groaned, pushing aside her books. She’d been trying to study but her mind would wander off to the agency and everything that had been going on lately. Her head was spinning. It had only been a day since the battle but it still felt like a million miles away.

During the fight, three men had come at her at once. She’d tried to hold them off but it didn’t work. They kept pressing on her. She remembered the faint glimmer on the knife one of them had lifted. He was aiming for her heart and both her hands were occupied trying to hold the other two off. She remembered the fear that had dawned upon her for that horrifying second.

But then, when the knife was only an inch away from her, Tyler shot the man from behind. The other two men were distracted and Stella had taken that opportunity, taking them off guard.

She remembered throwing her arms around Tyler after the battle. He was baffled, she was sure of it, but she couldn’t bite off the surge of gratitude toward him, and it couldn’t be repaid with just a ‘thank you’.

After all that had happened with Kylee and the serum, she still couldn’t shake off that moment of hugging Tyler. The concern for her best friend was at its peak but her mind would still wander off to Tyler. Whilst she hugged him, she felt secure in a way she had never felt before. His warmth had been welcoming in a way no one’s had ever been.

The feeling was strange but it didn’t last long. Kylee’s cry of pain echoed through the air. It was still ringing in Stella’s ear. She hadn’t had time to talk to her alone and she desperately felt the need to do so. But now, it was nearly midnight and though Stella knew that Kylee would either be watching Netflix, doing her homework last minute or sketching another poster of Wyatt, she felt tired and exhausted to talk to her.

Not bothering to pick up her books from the bed, she turned out the lights and pulled her cover over her, falling into a dreamless sleep.


“Kylee,” a voice snapped Kylee out of her light doze and she blinked open her eyes hastily. She looked up to see Wyatt, looking at her with concern. She smiled tiredly at him to reassure him although she knew it wasn’t enough.

It had only been a day since her mother injected her with the possession serum and things were already getting extremely hard for her. She was exhausted and wanted nothing more than a good night’s sleep. Her whole body ached from the lack of sleep and she was aware of the shadows under her eyes. She must’ve looked like a ghost.

“Are you okay?” he asked and she nodded before taking a deep breath. She’d done all she could to keep herself awake; she’d drunk her third cup of coffee before coming here but the caffeine had been wearing off too quickly and she was feeling sleepy again.

“Did Autumn get any leads?” she asked.

Wyatt clicked his tongue, “She’s trying but I don’t think she can think straight since she thinks this all is her fault.”

Kylee said nothing. She knew it wasn’t Autumn’s fault although she didn’t know how many people it would take to convince her about it. She gazed absently at the trainees going in and out of the station whose doorway Kylee was leaning in. She hadn’t been able to pay attention to what they were doing given that she was extremely tired.

But now she blinked at them. There was an unusual excitement around the agency although she only noticed it now. Everyone was either running here and there with supplies or whispering among themselves. Kylee drew her eyebrows together and peeked in the room.

She blinked in surprise when she saw the whole station was decorated with balloons. The area had been cleared out and all the desks and chairs were on the sides. In the middle, a banner hung from the ceiling, saying Welcome back, Cole!

Possession| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now