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Chapter: 03

Miles sighed as he stared into nothingness. It had been a while since the welcome party was over and though everyone had left the station, there were still balloons and confetti lying around. He had been introduced to Cole along with Zack although Stella was nowhere to be seen. He’d seen Kylee slip out of the station quietly, presumably too tired to be able to cope with the celebration.

Even though it had been nearly a fortnight since the mission to save Harper, it was still printed clearly in Miles’s mind, like a permanent mark. The others wanted to talk to him about it but with all that was going on, no one had enough time. Zack had tried a while ago but he, too, was interrupted. Miles didn’t blame anyone though; Kylee was injected with the possession serum and was struggling to keep control. He doubted his love life had a priority right now.

He still remembered what his friends told him the night he saw Harper with another boy. That she didn’t deserve his care with what she was doing. He tried to push the thought of her out of his mind and when he thought that he didn’t care anymore, he saw her again and his feelings were ignited once more.

The look on her face was something he would never forget. She was in tears and Miles had tried his best to act like he didn’t care.

But he did care. He cared for her so much and he couldn’t deny it. He couldn’t deny the way his heart had started hammering when he saw Harper was the one who was kidnapped by NSA. He wondered what would’ve happened if he hadn’t been there, if they’d taken her to NSA and if she’d agreed to become their agent…

The thought sent shudders down his spine. Before his mind could jump into the horrible outcomes, a pair of footsteps brought him out of his reverie. He looked up to see Stella, dressed in her SSA uniform, her blond hair up in a bun. Unlike Kylee, she didn’t seem tired though her concern was written all over her face.

“Where’ve you been?” Miles asked without getting up from the bench he was sitting on. Stella sighed and sat down next to him.

“Talking to Tyler,” she answered and Miles blinked in surprise. “He asked me out again. This time, I said yes.”

“So two months’ worth of rejection for nothing?” he asked and Stella deadpanned.

“It’s different now. When he asked me out this time, he wasn’t just flirting. He was serious. And after what he did for me during the fight… I couldn’t say no,” she said. Miles smiled at her, genuinely happy for her. “Anyways, this is not about me. I came here to talk about you.”

“What about me?”

“Miles, you know what I mean,” Stella said and Miles sighed. “I’m talking about Harper.”

Miles closed his eyes, “Harper is the last of our worries right now. We’ve got bigger issues to deal with.”

“And we will deal with them, I just… I don’t want you to feel denied. I know that a lot has been going on but that doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten about you—”

“I know that, Stel,” Miles said. He rarely ever called her that unless there was a need that he was feeling right now. “I know you guys want to talk. I’ve seen Kylee try to approach me, and Zack tried to talk too.”

“Miles, you know that we’re here for you,” Stella went on. “We’ve always been there for each other, under all circumstances and that’s not stopping now. Kylee needs all the support she can get and I’m going to give her that and I know that you will too.” She paused to look at him intently before continuing. “What Harper did was… inexcusable and you have every right to be mad at her—”

Possession| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now