Lynn Rivera

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Chapter: 04

The cells' unit was always dark. There was only a dimly lit bulb in the corridor, sending out rays of orange light. The white walls appeared orange in the light as Austin Brown walked toward the end of the corridor. No one had ever been behind those cells till now. It pained Austin as he had never known that the first person to be behind those cells was going to be the person who was once his best friend.

He reached the cell Flora was locked in. Hesitating, Austin put a hand on the doorknob and twisted it, pushing open the door. Ahead of him were iron bars and behind those bars stood Flora. She looked up when she saw him and merely smiled.

"So, now it's come to this? You're locking me up?" Flora asked and Austin desperately wished to go back to the time when she was his best friend.

He took a breath before looking Flora in the eye, "You didn't give me a choice, Flora."

"Did you?" she walked forward until she was gripping the bars hard, her knuckles turning white. "Did you give me a choice? You knew what I was going through but no. Your pride was much more important to you than the people you loved. It's always been like that, Brown."

Austin closed his eyes to level down his guilt and pain. He had made many mistakes and those cost him a lot. On her point of view, Flora was right. But that didn't excuse her for what she had done. "This is coming from the woman who's trying to possess her own daughter?"

"Maybe I wouldn't have to possess my daughter if you hadn't pushed me enough to leave her for ten years," Flora said.

"Why are you doing this, Flora? Is it revenge?" Austin asked. He didn't care if she quit calling him by his first name; the Flora he knew was still in there.

"Something like that," she answered. "I have lost my daughter's love. And I will get it back even if I have to possess her."

"You won't get a daughter who loves you if you possess her," Austin spoke. "You'll only get a follower."

"What do you know about love, Brown?" she spoke spitefully. "You haven't been able to feel love ever since Evelyn—"

Austin flared up, "Do not speak of Evelyn!" he breathed heavily and Flora watched him in amusement.

"Still angry at the opposition for killing the love of your life?" Austin glared at her. Her amused expression changed into a serious one. "Losing someone you love does not mean you can push away the ones you still have. Was Dylan's death not enough for you? Evelyn died after that, was it still not enough that you had to push me away too? Do you feel at peace now?"

Austin said nothing as Flora dug up the wounds he had buried in himself a long time ago. He took a shaky breath trying to calm himself down. She was right and he knew it. He made the mistake of pushing her away when she stood by him in everything he faced. But he reminded himself that she was trying to possess her daughter and his agent. She was trying to possess Kylee. He couldn't allow that.

"Oh and let me warn you, Brown," Flora spoke again. "NSA has another target for an agent. Daughter of their former employee."

"Why would you tell me that?" Austin asked with growing suspicion.

"Because I belong to neither of the two agencies. And because I couldn't give you something in return for the possession serum and your agent, since you locked me up. I stay true to my word, Brown, no matter how much of an evil you think I am," Flora answered.

Austin sighed, "Who is it?"

Flora moved back from the bars and sat down on the bench, "Lynn Rivera."


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