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Chapter: 13

Immense pain greeted Kylee when she opened her eyes. She squinted at the bright light overhead. As her eyes adjusted, she saw the concerned faces of Stella, Miles, and Wyatt hovering over her. She grunted a bit due to the pain, attracting more people toward her. Amelia cut through all of them to get a good look at her.

“Kylee, can you move?” she asked. It was a simple question, really, but Amelia’s voice was urgent. She was just concerned, Kylee thought. So, to calm her, she began to lift her arm—

Only to find no progress. She couldn’t move. Her eyes went wide and she tried with all the strength she had but she couldn’t even lift a finger. It felt like she was paralyzed.

“I can’t,” Kylee said, unable to keep the panic out of her voice. “I can’t move, why can’t I move?”

“Okay, calm down,” Amelia said. Kylee looked at her incredulously. That was all she could do. Move her eyeballs, her lips, her tongue, and her brows. That was that. She couldn’t do anything. It was scarier than Kylee would’ve ever imagined. “I got the bullet out but I think it still left some sort of paralytic poison. They’ve used these bullets before so I have an idea of how they react to certain elements. We never got the chance to properly examine the poison itself since it gets released into the body as soon as the bullet goes in. We can never take it out fast enough.”

Great, Kylee thought. Just what I needed.

There was one upside to all of this disaster though: Kylee had gotten in a bit of sleep and although it wasn’t more than two or three hours, it was enough for her to feel fresher and less tired than before. Somehow, she wasn’t surprised that her mother didn’t try to possess her whilst she was asleep. She hadn’t done it in a while now and the more time passed without her taking an action, the more it scared Kylee.

“Autumn was working on this before the whole thing with the possession serum,” Amelia said after a while. “I’ll go check in with her.”

Kylee hadn’t seen Autumn a lot since the possession serum unless you counted the time she showed up at prom to save all of their asses. She couldn’t help but think that Autumn was more tired than she was, given how hard she was trying and how much pressure she was under.

As Amelia left the infirmary, Wyatt sat down at the foot of Kylee’s bed, reaching out for her hand. He took it and intertwined her fingers with hers. She wished she could return the gesture if only she could move her fingers. Instead, she just gave him a weak smile which he returned earnestly.


Tyler had never met anyone as stubborn as Archer Evans in his whole life. From the moment he came across him when he got to the agency, he hadn’t stopped complaining. It would’ve been foolish to think they wouldn’t complain, Tyler thought, and they hadn’t thought that they wouldn’t question anything.

But it was only Archer who was complaining. Abigail and Carlos had been silent ever since Tyler saw them, save for when Abigail asked them if she could have her headphones and phone back. Coincidentally, Tyler and Cole had seen them when they entered the building where NSA’s agents were resting and had retrieved them for her.

She visibly relaxed when she put her headphones on – which she hadn’t taken off since then – and didn’t utter a single word after that.

Carlos was silent but observant. Tyler had noticed him examining him and Cole when he saw them. He silently paid attention to Archer’s behavior at first but when his questions annoyingly increased, he ignored him. He frequently glanced at Abigail though as if the way she relaxed herself with the beat of the music was more interesting than anything else in the world.

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