The Files

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Chapter: 06

As the elevator came to a halt, the five teenagers entered the agency. Miles noticed the way Lynn was looking around like the agency was a wonder on earth. He remembered the first time he had entered the agency with Kylee, Zack, and Stella a few months ago and how they were looking around in the same way. That memory seemed a thousand years away.

Miles was still glancing at Kylee in concern frequently. Though she didn’t admit it, he knew her mother had tried to reach out to her again when they were at Lynn’s house. She was exhausted; it was visible to everyone now. She had bags under her eyes and her skin was free of color. He could hardly see the hazel in her eyes now and he knew they were all the effects of the lack of sleep and the excessive amount of coffee. And above all, she had to fight to gain control of herself in that condition.

Their footsteps were quick as they all entered Mr. Brown’s office. Miles noticed the way Wyatt’s eyes darted to Kylee in concern but she wasn’t looking back at him. Instead, she was trying to blink away her sleep, curling and uncurling her hands into fists.

“Good. You’ve got her,” Mr. Brown spoke as he stood up behind his desk.

“What is all this?” Lynn asked, looking around the office.

“I assure you that you will get your wanted answers soon,” Mr. Brown told her and turned back to the four of them. “Were you able to get anything out of her father?”

It was Kylee who answered, “NSA was planning to get to her at the same time we did. The agents were going to be there in little time so we couldn’t find out why they wanted her.” Even in the state she was, her voice was surprisingly fluent and focused.

Mr. Brown seemed a little disappointed but satisfied with what they had at the same time. “Alright. But finding out what NSA plans is important so I would need you to go back there once the danger is clear.”

“But don’t you think NSA would expect that?” Autumn said. She’d nearly scared a few of them since they hadn’t noticed her standing in the corner. She hadn’t been the center of attention lately. Miles knew she felt guilty and didn’t want to leave the laboratory until she had Kylee’s cure. “They know we have Lynn and they wouldn’t risk any answers spilling out of her father. He might not be there.”

“Or,” Tyler started. “It could be a trap. They might expect us to go back to the house for information and hide their agents there.”

“While that is the first time you’ve given a logical possibility—” Tyler shot Wyatt a look. “—NSA doesn’t want any of us. They want Lynn.”

“If you want information,” Lynn interrupted before anyone else could speak again. “My father kept some files in his desk. He locked the drawer and hid the key and he would never let me near it. Not that I’ve tried going into the living room on my will in a while.” She added, avoiding all of their gazes. Miles drew in his eyebrows, looking at her.

Mr. Brown had a sudden interest in her, “Do you know what those files might be about? Did he share any sort of thing with your mother, maybe, when you were younger? Did you ever notice him going out in secret or anything?”

Lynn hesitated, “I…” she put her hands in the pockets of her jeans and looked at the floor, biting her lip.

Mr. Brown noticed the tension and looked at Miles in silent inquiry. He shrugged, oblivious to the situation. He had seen Lynn around a few times at school and only knew her because she was on the soccer team but he had never had this kind of conversation with her. He didn’t know her any better than the rest of his friends did. It was clear, though that she didn’t want to talk about something that sensitive in front of so many strangers.

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