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It's the last day of filming, and it's currently 5:35 and I heard a knock at my door. The producer manage to get us an air bnb.

Enough rooms to fits all the 'kids'  I opened my door half asleep and my hair a mess I saw mason,Tristan Brady and Miguel. I looked at them.

"Hi y/n" mason smiled widely, he was on Instagram live. "Why you just wake me up so early?" I frowned. "She gets angry every time we wake her up" Tristan adds.

"It's 5:40 and you waking me up" I groaned walking back in my room. I jumped in my bed, "say hi y/n" they giggled "go away you blood sucking mosquito" I pushed their faces away.

They ripped my sheets off me, leaving me in my sweat pants and large hoodie. I groaned "go bother Maddie or becca" I say. "You have more of an reaction"Brady laughed.

I grabbed my pillow and pegged it as hard as I could.

"Get out!" I shouted before slamming the door "We love you y/n!" They shouted before laughing. I laid on my bed for a spilt of a mili second before my phone alarm went off.

I dragged my hands down my face. I had a shower brushed my teeth cleaned my face before putting on sweat pants and a large hoodie. I put on my socks and shoes before walking out into the house.

I saw everyone eating breakfast. "Your played there" Brady pointed "thanks" I smiled. Before eating a plate of eggs and salad.

"Last day of shooting how you guys feel" Becca says washing the dishes "relieved" mason shouted "your the main character the star, the Main. event.!" Maddie says

We laughed a bit.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see my brother and Sadie holding Starbucks. "You guys are annoying" Finn says walking in. We all grabbed our order before. Thanking them.

"Alright bye guys" they waved. "Your brothers so cool" they said . "When he wants to be" I smiled. There was a knock on the door again. "I'll get it!" Mikey shouted.
(Miguel's nickname if you didn't know).

"You kids ready?" He asked we nodded before getting in the van. I sat with Maddie while everyone else sat with who ever they wanted.

We got to the set before changing in our characters fit. My character always wore flared jeans and a cropped shirt. And some shitting converse that went through hell and back.

"Okay before Miguel,Brady Tristan, Banks and Jordan put their make up for the final scene when y/n and Maddie fall off their bikes miguel and y/n gotta do their kiss scene again" he announced "why?" I asked.

"Cause you were smiling too much and you laughed a bit at the end" he says. The others Oooh'ed.

We stood back into 'robins room' and laid on his bed "one two three".

We're rolling.

"You get it?" I asked "yeah" he trailed "okay so how do you find x?" I asked "oh easy a squared plus b squared" he says with a smile. "Oh you did it" I say hugging him.

"Thank you" he says looking down at me with his hands still around my waist. My arms shifted to around his neck. And he leaned in closer.

He placed a kiss on my lips and I kissed him back. He put his hand on the back of my neck. I pulled away and smiled. "Finally" he says.

"Finally?" I smiled "I liked you for the longest time y/n you don't understand" he breathed "how long?" I smiled. "Since we were in 7th grade" he smiled widely as he kissed me away.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked "yes I will" I smiled as I hugged him. "Finally!" We looked at the door to see robins mom. "Finally a daughter in law" she says hugging me.

Aaaand "CUT!" I sighed, I looked at Miguel and he gave me a thumbs up.I walked back to Chang into my outfit for the 'ghost boy scene'.

I wore a red rain coat and Maddie (gwen) wore a yellow

It's raining out side and we went riding for the house number "please Jesus please" gwen begged for the lords forgiveness until we both fell in sight of Billy, Vance,Robin, Bruce and griffins ghost.

We got up to see the house she was talking about.

Everything was right the tree the house number the gate. We ran back home and phoned the detective.

"Detective wright please" I say "what the problem?" He asked I held the phone to gwen height. "We can stil save the boys" we say. "We'll be right there".

Gwen and I biked as fast as we could and waited waited for hope to come. Until a black van the black van was seen we ran to a near by bush and watched as he parked in.

"CUT!?" He shouted.

We all cheered since that's the scene we all fuck up
That was our last scene forever we all hugged each other in happiness and we fell to the fall.

"Now kids you guys gotta do you homework" we all groaned and headed back to the house.

Every since we got the rolls we couldn't just ditch school so we study and took.text and exams at the house.

Mikey , mason and I went to the same school while the others went to different ones. Most of us were in the 9th grade but Tristan is in the 11th.

Shocking I know.

We all decided to watch a the season four of stranger things before we went to bed, we never got time to watch it.

We were on episode 1 and the sence where eleven was getting bullied and guess who was one of the bullies.


"HEY I KNOW HER" mason shouted he proceed to make a tiktok out of it "damn who's that biych" he points the camera at the tv with my face. He panned the phone to me.

"Oh?" He began to laugh I laughed cause he laughed and Mikey laughed cause I laughed.

You get the idea we were all laughing cause of how dumb mason TikTok's are.

After finishing two season we went to bed. "Goodnight" I shouted.

"Goodnight y/n!"

They all responded.

𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗡𝗟𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧,miguel cazarez mora Where stories live. Discover now