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We arrived at the venue and I met up with everyone again "y/n?" Ethan says turning me around "ugh you've gotten so ugly" he laughed before  hugging me.

He looked at Miguel and smirked "Ethan no" I whisper shouted "Y/N HAS A BOYFRIEND" before we both knew it everyone came rushing I face palmed.

Abs they circled Miguel, I heard a few words come out of Cameron's mouth. "Touch my daughter and you die" I grabbed Miguel's hand and pulled him out.

"He's not my boyfriend" I say sighing. "Sure sure" Steve rolled his eyes. "Where's Chris?" I asked "he's not here yet" Noel says holding a beer.

"Y/n" I heard someone shout. I turned around to see Christian I hugged him tightly. I haven't see him in ages. "You've gotten taller" he says.

"Mhm 5'5" I say smirking. "Whatever" he says. "Who's he" he says looking at Miguel who was talking to Cameron and Noel.

"Oh Miguel he's my bestfriend we both were in black phone" I say with a smile "friend?" He says raising his eyebrows. "Yeah friend you ass hole" I say punching his shoulder. "Be for real y/n" he laughed before walking away.

"Y/n this little boy you brought is so sweet if you break his heart i swear I'll murder you" shanola says. "See everyone likes Miguel and you can't face the fact you don't like him a little bit more than you should" Chris says coming back handing me a cup of Hawaiian punch.

I rolled my eyes before gluing them to Miguel.


I copyleft take my eyes off her but when I did Cameron and Noel were staring at me hard. "She like you don't worry" Cameron says. "Pardon?" I say choking on my drink.

"You are pardon" Cameron laughed "what makes you say that?" I asked "We've changed her diapers raised her and did a whole show with her until she was old enough to say fuck I think we'd know" Noel says.

"Has she kissed you?" Shanola asked "only on the forehead and cheek" I say feeling a bit embarrassed.
"Has she hugged you before anyone else?" Steve chimed in.

"Has she physically hurt you then apologised sincerely before doing it again and laugh like a psycho maniac?" Ethan walked towards us. I said yes to all these thing.

"Bro she doesn't like you she loves you" Christian says grabbing to Hawaiian punches. I laughed "that's funny"

"You see us laughing?" Noel frowned. "Oh" I cleared my throat.


Finn arrived to pic both y/n and I to go back to the house expect only I was dropped off. "Y/n has a family event to go to" Finn says kicking me out of the car.

"I do?" Y/n says confusedly, she's cute when she's confused. "Are you gonna stand there like an idiot or go in the house" fin says in hurry. "Goodnight y/n" I say.

"Goodnight Miguel" she smiled.


"May be I do like him" I whisper to myself. "LIKE WHO MIGUEL!" Fin shouted. "SHUT UP FIN" I say hitting his shoulder. "You have a crush on him wait till Sadie hears this" he says with a devilish smirk

We arrived at my house, and I saw Caleb sadie and maila I hugged them all especially maila so tight I kissed her so much.


We were all just vibing and doing our own thing, my head was resting on Sadie's lap and maila's head was resting on mine.

" instead of liking his post and stalking date him" Sadie calls me out. I cover my face in embarrassment. "At this point you might as well date him" Caleb says holding a bag of popcorn.

"Don't act like we don't see those ship edits we do" maila says lauging. "Seeing my own sister cuddle with a boy SHE SHARES A HOUSE WITH us very disturbing" Finn says.

"Oh and she said she has a crush on his May I add" Finn says smiling. "Oh so tell him" maila says. " I wish it was that easy" I say sighing.

"Come on Maila your dating what's his name Tait Blum dude" I say "I'm aware, let's not make this about me this is about you" Maila says sitting up.

" I got a plan....."

𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗡𝗟𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧,miguel cazarez mora Where stories live. Discover now