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"I have a plan" maila smirked "what's the plan" I asked while getting up "so you know how the whole fair thing is coming up" maila says "yeah" I trialed.

"You should ask him to go" she smiled, "what if he's busy?" I asked "he'll make time for you grantee" Sadie says. "You should go on the fairs wheel and at the top you should kiss" she giggled.

"I hate girl talk" fin says " I kinda like it" Caleb says jumping in our circle. "Abs you shud tots hold hands. And watch the sunset" he teased we pushed his face away. Until there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get" I say, I opened the door to see Brady and Miguel. "Miggy misses you" Brady says with a pouting face. And a baby voice I laughed.

"See ya guys tomorrow" I shouted "see ya y/n goodluck!" Maila and Sadie shout. I laughed before we got in the car. "Goodluck? For what?" Miguel asked.
"Don't worry about it" I smiled.

"So what have you guys been doing?" I asked. "Nothing literally nothing the house is so boring without you" Brady says. "Awww" I say hitting his cheek.

"So what do you guys want to do?" I asked "we could watch another movie" Miguel says. "Cool I'll order food" I say grabbing my phone.

"Chipotle?" I asked "yep" Brady says. "I want-".

"I know what you want" I laughed I knew everyone exact order I guess that's what you know when you've been living with the same people for 6 months.

We got to the house, the girls and I started to set the thumbing room up for the movie night. We didn't go into the theatre room because Ethan Hawke locked it.

Why? Because Tristan and Brady decided to let off fire crackers in there and a curtain caught on fire. It wasn't a big fire but Ethan wasn't happy.

If you ask Tristan and Brady about it they would says.

"It's not a big deal!".

We all dressed into our pjs. I just wore baggy basketball shorts and a black T shirt.

I tied my hair up. I sat with Miguel "so what are we watching?" mason asked I shrugged "no horror movies" Jordan insisted.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes, "the fall I heard it was a god movie" banks suggest. "The fall it is" becca saysplaying the movie. We all sat down and watched until we were distracted and disturbed by the bell ringing.

"That must be the food" I say opening the door. "Oh it's just you" I say looking at Tristan. "Rude" he quickly got dressed and sat down. The bell rung and it was the food.

Now we all happily sat down eating and watching the movie. "HES GONNA FALL" Jacob shouted as if he was in the movie.

As predicted he did fall. "Called" Jacob shrugged as if he was a medium. I rested my head on Miguel's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. I love the comfort of his arms a little bit too much.

"SHE WAS DEAD THE WHOLE TIME?!" Brady and Tristan shout in unison we laughed at the traumatised boys. "That's to crazy" mason says. "I don't think I can sleep in my own bed anymore" Maddie says frowning.

"Sorry mad" I laughed.

𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗡𝗟𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧,miguel cazarez mora Where stories live. Discover now