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ETHAN: hi xx
Me: heyy
ETHAN: How you doing? x
Me: I'm doing good hbu
ETHAN: with you even better
Me:oh that's cute.
Ethan: I was wondering if you'd wanna go to the fair with me?
Me: oh
ETHAN: oh?
Me: hard pass, but thank you for the offer
ETHAN: hard pass? are you going with someone else?
ETHAN: who thag Miguel kid?
ETHAN: see you there

Ethan: I was wondering if you'd wanna go to the fair with me?Me: ohETHAN: oh?Me: hard pass, but thank you for the offerETHAN: hard pass? are you going with someone else?Me:yeppETHAN: who thag Miguel kid?Me:correct👍ETHAN: see you thereRead:4:50

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After that little conversation with Ethan Miguel walked into my room with a big smile on his face and something behind his back.

"Y/n my darling girl" he says with a weird medieval accent. "Yes" I say with a smile. "Will you go to the fair with me" he says pulling out a singular rose in my favourite colour. "Yes I will" I smiled.

"OH YEAH!" He shouted "did she says yes?" everyone in the house spilled into my room. "Yep" Miguel says proudly.

"Can you all get out I have to get ready" I say laughing. In which I did I had a shower did my makeup I wore a nice dress (any type you'd like babe). I put on my new crisp air forces.

And walked out, "oh who's she?" Brady says with a smile "that's our girl oh yeah" Tristan's and Brady hype me up. I laughed Miguel walked out with a big smile on his face.

"You look pretty I mean nice pretty nice" he corrected himself. "You look pretty nice to" I say laughing. "Can I drive?" Tristan asked "no I want to drive" Brady shouted. "And we're getting an uber" I smiled pushing Miguel out the door.

"They stress me out" Miguel laughed. We got to the fair and we went on ride we did some fair games. Until this one game where you had to fill up the clown head as fast as you can.

I kneeled and we both held the gun. "Three two one GO!" I shouted before started and guess who finished first. "Oh yeah" miguel shouted.

"I'd like the red dinosaur" Miguel asked he handed him the dinosaur and I mugged him. "Here" he says I turned around. "Really!" I say with a huge smile on my face. "Thanks Miguel" I say hugging him.

"Y/n y/m/n Wolfhard" I heard someone say I turned around to see Ethan and his friends I rolled my eyes "let's go miguel" I say turning him around "you look pretty in that dress" he says. "Thank you Ethan but I have to go" I admitted.

"You'll love me some day" he shouted. We went to a candy bar. Everything in there were pretty expensive but I still went ham. I got to bag worth of everything.

"Your such a sweet tooth" Miguel laughed "and your not you only got mints" I frowned. "I'll hold your bags" he took them off me. I grabbed his hand and held it

"Want to go the the fairest wheel?" He asked


"You should take her to the fairest wheel and kiss you it's not that hard" jacob says "shut up you have a girlfriend" I say.

"You like her dont you?" Banks says "yeah" I trailed "then tell her it's not that hard" banks shout "oh really how many girls have you asked out?" Tristan asked Banks. "Touché"

" miguel if you don't do this I'll call you a pussy until I'm no longer on this earth!" Mason shouts. "I think I can live with that" I shrugged.

"MIGUEL!" They all shout at me.

"Okay fine how do I even ask her?" I asked "rose some random accent and BAM" Jordan says. "Be for real" Mason frowned. "Worth a try" Brady shrugged


We stood in the line for the fairest wheel until we got to the top of the line Miguel took a mint "want one?" He asked "are you saying. My breath is bad?" I say laughing.

"No no I was just offering" he says taking it back.
"It's fine I do want one" I laughed he handed me a mint I took it before we got in the top the sun set looked beautiful.

I smiled before looking back at Miguel. "Thanks for asking me to come here Miguel" I say. "No problem y/n" he says with a smile. He looked at me and i looked at him. He leaned him and my heart started to pound.

He kissed me


I pulled away, "was that okay I'm sorry I should've ask or something" I kissed him again. "Will you be my girlfriend y/n" he smiled.

"Yes Miguel" I smiled hugged him.

We got back the house, "where are the girls?" I asked "in your room" Tristan says all the boys were looking at us. "Alright goodnight boys goofnight miguel" I kissed him before walking too my room.

I heard a huge. "LETS FUCKING GO!" By all the boys.

I walked into my room and started to squeal.

"WERE DATING" I shouted

The girls squealed and hugged me, "I've waited way to long for this" Maddie shouts "same!"

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