Spending the whole day and night with Blake!

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Today I was going shopping and then spending the night at Blake's house. I could not wait. Today is going to be so much fun.

I woke up at 9 even though I could of slept in a little later but I didn't to go ahead and get up. I walked down stairs to see Dave watching T.V. in the living room.

good morning. I said and he turned around.

good morning sweetheart. he said

where is dad? I asked

oh he went to get Starbucks for all of us. he said

oh cool. I said sitting down on the couch and watching whatever Dave was watching.

why is it so cold in here? I asked

good question come here. he said patting him lap and I got up and walked over to him and sat down on his lap and I la yed my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

20 mins later. Dad came walking through the door

Dad. I yelled jumping off David's lap and ran into the kitchen to see my dad just put down the tray of Starbucks. I walked over to him to hug him but he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I missed you. I said and he laughed.

I have only been gone a hour. he said

still. I said and he just hugged me tighter and then let me down and kissed my forehead and I grabbed my Chocolate Frapp.

thanks dad your the best. I said

ha no problem love you. he said

love you too. I said walking onto the balcony off the living room that was really big and had chairs on it. I took a picture and posted it on Instagram and Twitter.

@allisimpson- Best Dad ever! Starbucks! <3

then my dad and Dave came out and joined me.

hey. I said

hey. they both said

so you are hanging out with Blake and then spending the night there right? he asked

yes dad. I said

okay but I'm sending Mike with ya'll to make sure you will be okay. he said Mike was my dad's other bodyguard. Me and Mike were really close too.

dad we went out yesterday and we were fine. I said 

but still. he said 

fine. I said sounding mad.

hey Dave can I talk to Alli alone for a sec? Dad asked

sure I will be right inside. he said and then he got up and left.

hey come here. Dad said patting the spot on his leg and I put my Starbucks down on the table and walked over and sat down in his lap and he wrapped his arms around me.

I know I didn't send Mike out with you yesterday but I should of but today since It's a really beautiful day all the fans are going to be out shopping. he said

true. I said

I just want to protect you because I love you with all my heart. he said kissing the top of my head

I love you too. I said and then got up and went back inside with my Starbucks.

Well I am going to go get ready. I said walking up the stairs

okay. Dave said and I took a shower and then changed into a day dress that was strapless and zebra, black high heels, black bangles and white earrings. I bl owed dried my hair and curled it all the way and then put some make up on and grabbed my black purse and headed down stairs.

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