The Jacket

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A/N: drug use and swearing warning
More of a light fluff, nothing too sexual.

Today was like any other day.

After school I hung out with Eddie, a constant in our otherwise hectic lives. He's been my best friend since my sophomore year, even now that we were both seniors, although he was in fact a senior for all that time. I struggled, internally, with my feelings for the older boy, part of me not wanting to ruin our friendship, and part of me also thinking he would never be interested in a girl younger than him.

Over the years, Eddie had taken me under his wing and taught me all there was to know about DND, he'd walk me through situations I didn't have a clear head in, and would warn me about which teachers were pricks. For all of these reasons I felt he would never see me as anything other than a little sister.

That was until one day when I got a spark of hope. While this was an accident I still took it as a sliver of what my future could be.
Eddie and I had sprawled across my bed as we listened to music and talked.

"Eds I gotta do my english essay, but you can stay with me if you want." I said as I began pulling my books out of my backpack.

"I'll take you up on that offer. You better finish in time to come with me to the gig tonight though." Eddie said smiling, leaning on his elbow to look up at me.

"Have I ever missed out on hearing Corroded Coffin?" I asked teasing him.

"No. But that's why I need you there. You're like a good luck charm for my nerves." Eddie said as he laid back into my pillows.

I just chuckled, trying to hide the blush that crept up my cheeks.

I began working on my essay and got through a decent amount of it before deciding to take a break and tease Eddie.

However when I turned to him he was curled up on his side, facing towards me, sound asleep.

The stark contrast of the usually eccentric boy was vastly different from the quiet figure next to me. He looked beautiful. The way his lips formed into a slight pout caused an inner debate of whether or not to kiss him right then and there. His hair fell perfectly framing his features, his one hand hugging underneath the pillow while the other was close to his face. His body moved lightly as he inhaled and exhaled, and I knew in that moment I was never going to love anybody like I love him.

I broke away from the boys trance and moved my papers to readjust in my spot. As I slid down more into the pillows I propped my knees up to write against. Before I could move my folders however, a few ringed fingers swept over my torso pulling me to the side.

I had no time to process what was happening until I felt Eddie's steady breathing on my neck and his arm wrapped tightly around me. And that wasn't the only thing I felt against me.

I waited a moment to see if Eddie was awake and even comprehensive to what he had just done.

After he didn't say anything, I debated if I should act selfish or selfless. I could scoot away and act like this didn't happen, or I could lay here enjoying a situation I had dreamed of for quite some time.

I lost track of time as I debated and eventually I was laying there with him for twenty minutes. Then I heard him deeply inhale behind me, signaling he was waking up.
I froze not knowing what to do. I decided to close my eyes and pretend I was asleep as well.

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