New Friend

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Azura's POV 

The girl helped me into our room and got the first aid kit out from her drawer. She applied some alcohol to my bruised cheek and then to my throat.

"Did he hurt I anywhere else?" She asked.

"No. But was he trying to kill me?"

"Definitely not! Patrick may be rough with people but he is against killing any good people. Especially people a part of the army."

"So his name is Patrick?"

"Yep. Anyways, why did u accept his challenge in the first place?!"

"I don't know honestly. I accepted before I could even stop myself."

"Well, I don't blame u. Some people like Daryll and me really want to defeat Patrick at least once in his challenges." 

"Who's Daryll?"

"The bandit leader. He was the one who Patrick defeated before you."

"I'm guessing u guys are like friends?"

"Yeah. But I have to admit, I kinda like Daryll."

"Oh. Well, ur secret is safe with me. I'm Azura by the way."

"I'm Hilda. Nice to meet you."

As soon as we shook hands, someone knocked on the door and a guard popped his head in.

"Lady Hilda, Ser Theo would like a word with you." He said before closing the door.

"Well it was nice to meet u Azura. I'll see u later."

"You too Hilda." And she left the room.

Hilda's POV

I walked in to Ser Theo's room to see Patrick there as well.

"Patrick." I nodded my head respectfully.

"Lady Hilda." He did the same.

"Lady Hilda, please join us."

I walked over to Ser Theo's desk, standing beside Patrick.

"Instead of you training our new recruit, Patrick here will be training her, as his punishment for his stunt earlier today."

"With all do respect sire, but are u sure you should let Patrick train her. I mean since he can be too hard most of the times."

"Hey!" Patrick protested.

"Which is why you will be there monitoring them both. And if anything happens, report to me immediately."

"Yes sire."

"Understood." Patrick lowered his head respectfully.

"Good. Dismissed."

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