Bullied Pt. 2

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Hilda's POV

It was a nice day outside it seemed like everyone was outside. Daryll was helping Patrick with something, and me and Azura were just walking around the courtyard when we came across two children running towards us, playing  tag. They ran passes us but when I turned back around I was pushed against a tree and was shocked to see Caleb pinning me against the tree trunk. I looked behind him to see his minions holding onto Azura's arms. I made a face at Caleb who just smirked and slowly slid his finger down my cheek.

"So we meet again. How quaint."

"And I though u were exiled from Frostbourne?"

"Well they gave me a second chance. And now since I'm here, I can get revenge on that little bandit friend of yours." He leaned closer towards my face to where I could feel his breath on my lips.

I looked back at Azura only to find out she and the other two were gone.

"Where is my friend Caleb?" I demanded but he just grinned.

"Doesn't matter. What matters now is that ur here with me and that...ur mine." He said which sent a shiver down my spine.

He brought his finger back up to my cheek and, without warning, he forcibly pressed his lips against mine. I tried to break free of his grip but he just tighten his grip on my wrists and I felt his finger dig into my skin. Until he was knocked down to the ground. Once he let go of me, I sank down to the ground still in shock. Things were blurry. My vision cleared and I noticed someone kneeling beside me with their hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Daryll with a worried expression on his face. He looked down at my wrists to see blood coming out from the cuts. He then looked up at Caleb with an angry face. Daryll held my arm and helped me up while still staring at Caleb.

"What are u doing back here? You were exiled!"

"Yeah. But they gave me a second chance and they gave me a chance to get payback. But now since no one is around they will never know."

"Are u sure about that?"

I turned to see Patrick walking up with two guards behind him.

"And who are u?" Caleb demanded. 

Before Patrick answered, he motioned the guards and they both ran to Caleb and held him but his arms.

"Uh! What do u think ur doing?!"

"I am Patrick. General and Grandmaster of Frostbourne." Patrick said and, as if on cue, Azura walked up beside him.

Caleb eyes went wide and the two guards took him away to the dungeon. Once they were gone, Azura turned to me and just instantly ran and hugged me.

"Are u okay?" She asked pulling away.

"Yeah but are u? Where did they take u?" 

"They were taking me to a room until Patrick showed up."

Patrick walked up to us and I looked back at Daryll.

"We'll give u two a minute." Azura said before she and Patrick walked away.

Daryll and i just looked at each other before Daryll just embraced me. I was shocked at first but I hugged him back.

"Are u okay? Did he hurt u?" He asked pulling away.

"Y-Yes., I'm fine. Just a bit shaken up."

He put his hand on my shoulder and I just looked up into his eyes. 

"I will be here for u Hilda. No matter what, I promise." He said before embracing me once again.

We stayed like that for another minute before pulling away and walking back to the castle.

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