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Azura's POV 

I woke up to someone banging on the door and sat up to see Hilda also getting up. We both got ready and headed out to the courtyard. 

Last night

"Ser Theo told me that Patrick will be training u instead of me."


"It's his punishment for what happened today."

"Oh okay."

Present Time

We made it way to where Patrick was standing, waiting for us. There were 3 other people who Hilda say were also going to watch.

"For now, we're just going to wrestle. See how good you are with that." He said.


We both put up our fists and he was the first to attack but I was able to dodge him but he was able to kick my legs out from under me and I fell hard on my back. I heard snickering coming from 3 guards who were watching with Hilda. I quickly got back on my feet and lunched at him, only to be thrown over his shoulder and fell down on my face. The guards suddenly bursted out sighing and Patrick smirked.

"Give up?"

"Never." I quickly got up and attacked him.

I kept trying to punch him but he kept blocking's my blows and his fists made contact with my stomach and the my face which made me fall back on my face. Now they were laughing like crazy.

"Haha! U can't even punch him! Not even once!" One of them yelled.

I felt tears forming and I quickly got up and ran away to the woods.

Patrick's POV

She suddenly just got up and ran into the woods. I was not expecting that.

"You three!" They were still laughing but managed to look at me.

"What in the name of Frostbourne were u doing?!"

"Come on, Patrick. U gotta admit it was funny to her getting beaten by you."

"And look what happened!"

"Enough Patrick! We'll deal with this later. Right now let's go get her." Hilda said and she started running in the direction the girl went.

I looked back at the 3 boys before following her."

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