Obedience VS Loyalty

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Jade went to Hell, she walked into the throne room and stood before the demons. "I need your attention" cried out. The demons went about their duties, ignoring her. "Quiet" she shouted as she rumbled the walls, all eyes were now on her. "Your loyalty is being called into question, in more ways than one. The Darkness has taken Lucifer".

There was chatter around the room. "You're demons", she shrugged. "I get it, out for number one. And you, most of you, do not like me. I understand that. But I want you to stop and think here, I mean really think, big picture here". She paused and looked around the room, "Lucifer will be back, that I promise you, but there is a great deal of opportunity here for each of you to capitalize on. If you are on the ground floor, helping to locate him? Do you think he will forget that loyalty? Not just to him, but to his mate"?

A demon stood up, "You're not bound to him. Why should we listen to you"?

"I think I've covered that" she nodded, "but if there's more you're looking for, you followed Crowley".

"We hated Crowley" the demon replied.

"And yet, you followed" Jade reaffirmed. "Now, I have more juice than him and come with room for future growth".

"I will not bow to you" the demon scowled.

"Who said bow" Jade asked? She looked to the throne behind her, "I have no intention of taking this throne, my goal is to get Lucifer back in it".

"You lying bitch" the demon lunged at her, Jade put up her hand blowing up the demon.

"Ok" Jade nodded, "where do we all stand"?

One demon stood up, "will you be binding to Lucifer"?

Jade was afraid this would come up. "I won't lie to you, I'm still on the fence. I know I can't leave him behind, and one way or another, I will be bringing him back".

"That's enough for me" the demon nodded. "Hail to the queen of Hell" he shouted. With this all of the demons stood at attention.

Jade stood startled at the demons agreeing to listen to her. "Ok" she nodded, "go find him. Not you" she pointed to the first one to follow her. "You come here".

The demon did as they were told, "My Queen" he bowed.

"Yeah that weirds me out" she nodded, "you got a name"?

"Belphagor" he nodded.

"Bel, I'm gonna need your help" she instructed. "I am not about to face all of this alone".

"The Winchesters" he nodded, "yes my lady".

"For now anyway" she nodded, "you keep an eye out here for me. You give me word as soon as any of you get anything. I have stuff to handle topside".

"Of course" he nodded.

Jade snapped her fingers and was suddenly outside of the bunker. As she descended the stairs, she spotted new faces. "Well, I get a demonic army, you guys get an old guy, a former Angel and a writer" she nodded, "yeah, I win".

As she reached the bottom. The former Angel got to his feet and greeted her, "who do we have here"? He smiled as he inhaled her scent, "unbound I see. I'm Metatron, scribe of God".

"Oh my" she mocked him, "To God?! I mean, wow"! She nodded smiling at him, "do you know whose mate I am"? Her smile faded to a glare, "Lucifer's".

Metatron froze with fear and sat back down.

"Jade this is Donatello" Sam took the opportunity to introduce the rest of them. "He's a prophet, able to see visions of Amara".

Jade nodded, "you could be useful".

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