Long Live the Queen

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"Where have you been" Lucifer asked Chuck, pretending it was simply a casual question as he flipped through a book.

"That's a long story" Chuck shrugged, brushing the question off. "How are you feeling? I healed you".

"Yeah" Lucifer wrinkled his nose and shook his head, "didn't ask you to".

"Son be reasonable" Chuck Sighed.

Jade was sitting in a chair near them. She wasn't interested in being in the middle of the conversation, but she was staying close. Lucifer stood by her when she confronted her parents, him being there had given her more resolve when she may have crumbled. She didn't know if she did the same for him, he was Lucifer, what support system did he really need? But to be fair, when she spoke to her father, she wasn't facing God.

"So one cosmic band aid on my knee and we're even now" Lucifer mocked? "Is it time for us to play catch in the yard"?

This is about when the Winchesters walked in the door, and started to try and play the role of personal therapists.

"Meanwhile these apes send up a distress flare and BOOM, Daddy's home" Lucifer barbed.

"Hey last I checked, Jade over there is one of these apes" Dean snapped, "and these apes just saved your ass".

Lucifer snapped his fingers, nothing happened. The Winchesters stood, visibly shaken, they shouldn't still be here.

"He can't hurt you" Chuck nodded.

"So you're controlling me now" Lucifer snarled?

"It's a safeguard" Chuck shrugged. He looked back to the Winchesters, "neither can she".

"Hmm" Jade mumbled as she got to her feet and walked over to the Winchesters.

"Jade" Chuck said with a warning tone in his voice, "what are you doing"?

"Testing your theory" she said calmly as she swung a right at Dean connecting with his jaw and sending him back as he cried out in pain.

"Well" she shrugged as she walked back to her seat, "so much for the safeguard".

"I should kick your ass" Dean snarled at her regaining her composure.

"Probably" she nodded calmy.

"Don't compare yourself to Jade" Lucifer told Dean, giving Jade a quick grin. "She's better than you in every possible way".

"Son" Chuck snapped, trying to take back the attention.

Lucifer got to his feet and stood up to God, his vessel about a half a foot taller, "you're really not going to say it are you"?

Chuck stood firmly and said nothing.

"Screw you" Lucifer snarled as he stormed out of the room, down the hall and slamming one of the bedroom doors shut before starting to blare music.

Jade got to her feet, "I guess you can be a celestial being and still have a fucked up Dad". She started to follow Lucifer's path.

"Don't project your family issues on me Jade" Chuck called to her, "I'm not your father".

"No, but I see the pattern" she nodded as she stopped to turn back. "that said, my dad? One of the worst people you'll ever meet. But he admitted it". She didn't speak another word, instead she headed down the hall.

When she reached the door, the Winchesters were banging on it, trying to reason with Lucifer.

"Step aside boys" Jade nodded as she approached. "Lucifer" she knocked.

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