Intoxicating Fear

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*Smut warning*

*torture warning*

*sexual violence warning*

"I believe congratulations are in order" Crowley nodded. "Surprised you can walk, I heard it's been an extended Honeymoon".

"You really want to kill time Crowley" she asked? "I could've taken you out before. I'm stronger now, when this warding fails".

"It won't matter" Crowley told her, "You're just a bargaining chip dear".

"For what" she asked?

"Me" a voice came behind her.

When she turned, she spotted the last person she wanted to, or expected to see, "Aziraphale" she whispered.

"Hello little sparrow" he said as he walked towards the flames that separated them.

"You see" Crowley started to explain, "I know your hubby is going to make a play for my throne. I needed some muscle. I found the muscle, and the thing he wanted most, was you".

Jade looked around the room in a panic, she saw a demon duck out of the room, but wasn't sure which one it was.

"We'll be together soon" Aziraphale smiled, snapping his fingers and a bed appeared with chains on it.

"I won't go down without a fight" she snarled at him. "I'm not the scared little girl you chained in that basement".

"I know" he smiled at her, "You're going to be so much more fun with some fight in you".

"I guess my invite got lost in the mail" Lucifer's voice rang out from across the room.

"I knew you'd come" Aziraphale snarled at him throwing a lit box of matches on the floor, containing Lucifer in holy fire.

"You knew I'd come" Lucifer mocked, "congratulations. You realized I'd come for my mate".

"You may not want to anger me Lucifer" he warned, "I remember what you did to Kane and Able, how you hurt them. I loved them".

"Yeah well" Lucifer shrugged, "I was in my rebellious stage".

"Just as you hurt what I loved" Aziraphale growled, "I will hurt what you love, slowly, painfully, intimately. And you will watch".

Lucifer's eyes were glowing.

"Her warding will burn out first" Aziraphale continued. "Look at her, the fear in her eyes" he laughed. "I did that. For years she's lived in fear of me". He walked over to Jade, "recognize those chains, Jade"?

"Fuck you" she snarled at him. "I'm an Arch Angel now. I am more powerful. You contained Lucifer? Fine, he made me stronger, and I am about to use those same chains and put you through all the tortures you put me through, and more. Let's face it, I'm Lucifer's mate, I'm gonna be much better than you at the whole torture thing".

Aziraphale glared at her for a moment, it melted into a grin, and he started to slowly clap for her. "Excellent performance" he told her, "You forget, I know the smell of your fear, very well. It's intoxicating". He looked at Lucifer, "and the desperation on your face? Delicious".

"Brother" a voice came from the doorway.

They all looked as Castiel walked into view.

"What the hell are you doing here" Jade snarled?

"I heard Aziraphale had captured Lucifer. We're trying to get him back in his cage".

"Castiel" Aziraphale nodded, "cast out, much like Lucifer. How can I be sure you're not working with him"?

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