A Fork in The Road

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*Milestone post. Jade got her first comment yesterday, I just didn't have the post ready. Here's th owed post*

Lucifer, Jade and Anael appeared in a clearing. Lucifer promptly hunched over steadying himself with his hands on his knees and began coughing. While he had an angel on tap, and was visibly stronger than he had been, he was not back, not completely. "I have to get in better shape" he muttered as he stood upright, "This is ridiculous".

Jade's jaw was clenched in anger as she gave the other two angels a dark glare. Lucifer however paid it no mind, his attention was completely on Jade as he grinned at her playfully, "I missed you" he told her quietly as he put a hand on her side and tilted his head down to kiss her.

Jade stepped away and folded her arms before turning her glare to him. "Did you?" She sounded skeptical as her gaze fell to Anael and then back to him with an accusatory glare. "I think some explanations are in order before I let you touch me".

His head shot to Anael who was frozen with fear. Jade's stature was small, but she was an arch angel, and her reputation preceded her. Where she was once hunted by the heavenly host, they now assumed her to be vengeful and feared her. "Okay" Lucifer put his hands up with a defensive nod, "This looks bad. But I promise babe, the only time I touched her was when I was taking her grace".

"And she's still breathing" Jade's head tilted to the side, her glare never ceasing.

"Jade" Anael attempted to interject wit a gentle smile and a little more assertion than Jade felt was appropriate.

Jade's head shot in her direction and her eyes lit up before she backhanded the angel. "You will speak when spoken to" she growled.

Anael stepped back from the impact and held her cheek. She peered through the strands of hair that were tossed out of place when she was struck, in disbelief. Her gaze fell to Jade first who was no longer giving her any of her attention before it turned to Lucifer. Lucifer's stance had stiffened, he was well aware his mate was furious, and for the sake of his meal ticket, he was concerned. Truth was he wasn't sure if he was strong enough to handle Jade at this very moment should she become vengeful to him.

He took a breath, not prepared to lose his reputation for his cool exterior. "Yeah okay" Lucifer rushed to Jade placing his hands on her arms and guiding her away from the cowering angel before she started removing limbs. Lucifer's silver tongue sprang into action as he attempted to subdue his love. "Babe, Anael here, I was about to drain her when she made a very valid point. If I syphoned off smaller amounts from her, I could have her as a regenerating keg of grace".

Jade's feet suddenly rooted to the ground and her jaw clenched tighter. "You mean like I offered the moment we returned"?

"Have you been paying attention" Lucifer pleaded to her as he held the clenched jaw in his hand and tilted her chin up to meet his gaze? "Everything I have done in the last two years has been to keep you safe. I'm not about to weaken you. I can be weakened, that's fine. Not you" he shook his head.

Jade refused to soften her stance towards him, but the truth was, his words touched her. What's more, she believed him that nothing happened with the little ginger angel. She hated that she believed him, but she did.

You're so cute when you try and stay angry at me

She glared at him, "So you're strong enough to feel my energy" she muttered in irritation.

"I am" he nodded as he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "Besides, this is temporary" he shrugged as he looked over to Anael. "Until I'm back to full power. Then she's gone. Until then think of her as the same as the little demon who follows you around".

"Belphagor" her eyes burned red as she replied in a low growl.

"Belphagor" he gave her the smile of a greasy car salesman who just unloaded a lemon. "How's he doin"?

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