Heir to the Throne

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Jade's patience was wearing thin. Snapping themselves back to their children was not an option, it wasn't just a different planet, it was a different universe. They needed to find something, someone or another rift. Because their search needed to be thorough, they needed to take it on foot through this grey sandy wasteland. Not to mention they toted along someone who has the capacity to grow tired. Jade's tolerance for Mary was being tested daily as she would stop to rest.

"Mary" Lucifer finally pipped up, "we're gonna need you to pick up the pace here".

"I don't really see the point" she sighed. "Either way you're going to kill me".

"Why would we want to kill you" Lucifer asked her as he looked around the land trying to calculate their next move? When Mary didn't respond Lucifer turned his attention to her as she gave him a knowing look. "Right" he nodded as he rolled his eyes, "because I'm evil".

"Such a complicated concept" Jade shook her head.

"Seems pretty cut and dry to me" Mary objected.

"It would" Jade snapped. "Probably had family dinners, daddy kissed you goodnight. You got married, couple of kids with a white picket fence. You weren't cast out because you simply questioned your family, and you weren't born to be spare parts. Nature versus nurture. Then there's the subjective part. Lucifer's evil? Why? Because his father placed a curse on him that, by the way your own son took on and it made him a killing machine? Or he came to earth to do exactly what his own father prophesied? Tell me, who is committing the atrocities in that scenario"?

"And you" Mary asked, testing Jade's resolve?

"Abused, neglected, tortured, hunted" Jade took a breath, "taken in by a manipulative witch who tried to kill me. Tortured some more, multiple attempts at sexual assault, multiple times of being forcibly confined. Ps your kids attempted that one before I ever actually provoke it". Jade paused as Lucifer came up behind her, placing a supportive hand on her shoulder. "And now my motivation is getting back to my children".

"You couldn't possibly care about raising a child" Mary scoffed.

"Because you speak from such a great deal of experience" Jade snapped at her. "You can't lay claim to Sam and Dean, you had what four years with one, six months with the other? And look at them. They're not so different from us ".

"You have no idea what we care about" Lucifer concluded as a fireball hit the earth near Mary.

Celeste said very little in the presence of the Winchesters, she didn't really like them. Mostly Dean, Sam attempted to be friendly. Dean on the other hand looked at she and her brother with murderous intent. Celeste wasn't bothered by this impatient creature. She would probably laugh in his face if he attempted to attack her. But Jack, he was hurt by his words. Why a Nephilim, an ender of worlds was bothered by the desperate ramblings of a mere human was lost on her. But her brother was who she cared for and finding her parents.

She walked into the library where the brothers sat. Her entrance was noticed instantly, she was given a friendly nod from Sam and a scowl with a snort of disgust from Dean. "Are you any closer to finding our parents" she asked?

"YOUR parents are getting ganked the second I lay eyes on them" Dean snapped.

"How is that" she mocked him, "your little guns"?

"You want a demonstration" he snarled producing his piece?

"Whoa" Sam shouted as he put his hand on his brother's arm, lowering the weapon. "No Celeste, no closer".

Celeste huffed at him. "How is it you hate my parents so and yet you were friends with my mate"?

"You need to stop calling my best friend your mate" Dean warned her in a low growl. "He would have hated you".

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