Lucy Quit Team Natsu

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Lucy feels weak. Again Natsu had told her to stay back so the others could fight. This was for the final time. She hated the treatment he kept giving her. She was extremely pissed. She was not a person to do something easy, but here she was. Natsu was now balling his eyes out as they walked to the guild. Wendy was crying. Gray was trying to hide it, but was failing Miserably. Erza felt hurt but understood her point. Lucy walked into the guild still mad.

"What happened? Why are you all crying?" Makarov asked.

"I quit Team Natsu." Lucy said seriously. Silence then,

"About time Cosplayer."

"I agree with Bickslow Lu-Chan. They were holding you back."

"I'll be happy to handle that paperwork."

"Does everyone seriously agree with her choice?"


"Love rival deserves better."

"You all basically freeload off of her."

"You all are fucked without her."

"Join our team Lu-Sama."

Lucy smiled at all of them. She was now feeling better and not regretting her decision. "Thank you all." She sat at the bar.

"We can still hang out right Lucy?" Erza asked nervously.

"Of course!" Lucy said. "We might not be on the same team, but we are still friends. I just can't handle being on the same team with you guys." Lucy carefully explained.

"That's good Lucy-Nee!" Wendy hugged her. "So we can still get free hugs?"

"Of course. I will always give out free hugs." Lucy gave Wendy a big hug. "You are still my little sister." She reminded Wendy. Wendy sighed in relief. Lucy let out a little giggle. This was going to be an adjustment no doubt, but they will get used to it.

That night Lucy arrived at her house. Happy, Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Carla were there. "Hello guys. Where's Natsu?"

"Balling his eyes out at home." Happy said. "We can still be here right?"

"Of course. Now I got an idea for dinner." Lucy pulled some bowls out. "I'm making salad. I only have vegetables at the moment."

"That's okay. Are you going to be okay with rent?" Erza asked nervously.

"Yeah. Give me a day and I'll be ahead of my rent." Lucy was already almost done. "Wanna have a sleepover on Friday?"

"Yes! I'll bring the Disney movies!" Gray said excitedly.

"Me and Carla will bring the popcorn."

"We will have to host it at your house because boys aren't allowed at Fairy Hills." Erza said thoughtfully.

"Happy, dragged Natsu here if you have to." Lucy ordered.

"Aye sir!" Happy saluted.

"I heard the magic council is doing a guildmates exchanged." Carla said.

"Who did we get?"

"We will find out tomorrow."

Lucy went to bed that night. I am going to miss going on missions with them. But I certainly don't regret my choice. I can use this moment to train! I can get stronger. I wonder if Erza will help me...


"Of I will help you train Lucy."

"Thank you Erza."

"But first let me give you this..." Erza pressed a soft loving kissed.



"Bad Lucy!! No dreaming about Erza!" Lucy woke up with a start.

"This is gonna be fun." Loke laughed.

"Should we tell her?"

"Nah! It'll be embarrassing for her!" Aquarius laughed. Cancer sighed. It never changes. Not that I am complaining. The Crab spirit thought.

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