Chapter 3

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Carla held in her nerves. This vision was very upsetting. Wendy and Chelia were laughing as Chelia fed Wendy. Natsu was shivering in the corner as Gray watched in concern. She didn't know where Laxus was. Gajeel was sleeping. It seemed alright at the moment. I need to know when all of this will happen. Carla thought anxiously.

Gajeel woke up with a start. He watched the fan favorite of Jet and Droy arguing over Levy.

"You are way to fat. She deserves better than you."

"I easily beat you in a fight."

"Oh yeah? How about we go a round right now?"

Gajeel growled. He got up, stomped over to Levy, scooped her up, glared at Jet and Droy, finally took Levy back to his seat. Mirajane squealed. "GaLe! My ship shall sail!!!" Mirajane shouted. Everyone sweatdropped. Wendy felt sorry for Gajeel and Levy. Levy was a blushing mess.

"Um... Gajeel why did you bring me here?"

"Because I thought you would be tired of hearing those 2 argue." Gajeel said still holding her.

"You aren't wrong." Levy said. Jet and Droy had fainted heartbroken. "Did you really have to carry me?"

"Yes." Gajeel went back to sleep, but hugging Levy.

Natsu was shivering in the corner. Gray finally came over. "Natsu, are you alright?" Gray asked.

"Lucy left me. I'm not okay." Natsu snapped.

"Look Natsu, just because she quit the team doesn't mean she left you. She in face invited you and the rest of us to a sleepover at her place Friday." Gray calmed the dragon slayer.

"It won't be the same." Natsu pouted.

"It doesn't have to be the same. It's okay for it to be a little different. Give it time." Gray pulled him up. Natsu suddenly felt warmth go through him. What the hell is going on? He asked trying to sound mad.

"What are you doing?" Natsu asked pulling away feeling cold again. Doesn't make since. He is an ice mage. Natsu was confused.

"Taking you on a mission. That might help you feel better." Gray dragged him to the board. He picked out the job of taking down a group of dark mages. He figured it would be one Natsu would like.

Laxus was having a frickin hard time. He fell asleep finishing the paperwork of Lucy leaving Team Natsu. He slept in his office. He felt his shoulders stiff. His arms hurt. His head hurt. A desk isn't a pillow after all. Laxus felt cold. He couldn't feel his jacket. Where is it? He suddenly blushes remembering.

Freed shivered. It had grown dark out and it was cold. Laxus tossed his jacket on Freed. "Laxus-Sama?"

"Let's get you home before you freeze out here." Laxus said gruffly. He made sure the jacket was on Freed before walking him home. Laxus had to come back to do paperwork. He forgot his jacket was on Freed as his best friend fell asleep.

Laxus decided he could deal with it. He told himself he was an S-Class wizard, he can handle a little cold. He stretched and headed to the guilds shower room. He returned the spot where he and his friends usually hang out. Freed had not yet arrived.

"Where is Freed?"

"Your precious boyfriend is at home. He seemed to have caught a cold." Evergreen said hiding her mouth behind her fan as usual.

"He is not my boyfriend."

"Suuure." Bickslow teased. 'Boyfriend' 'Boyfriend' his babies echoed.

"Whatever. I'm going to check on him." Laxus left as they they started to tease him.

Laxus went to a cafe Freed liked, brought Freed's usual order. He walked to Freed's house in a hurry. He knocked on the door. He heard coughing. He grew worried. He ignored how much colder it got when Evergreen said when he was sick. "Hey Freed! Are you alright in there?" He called worried. For a minute there was no answer. Then,

"Laxus-Sama? Come in." More coughing. Laxus opened the door to find the place a mess. Freed always kept it clean. So what the heck happened? Laxus made the way to Freed's bedroom. Freed was coughing. Something kept shocking him. Electric like. "The last mission we took was deciphering a rune? Turns out the translation is wanted by many dark guilds. One of them had a magic to make their victim sick."

Laxus rushed over. He felt Freed's forehead. He was burning up. Laxus almost felt his hand receive a burn. He set the food down. He took the blankets off of Freed. He trying to cool his body temp down. "I'll be back with ice." He raced to the freezer. He reached for an ice he made for emergencies only. He wrapped the ice in a towel so Freed didn't get a frostbite.

"Thank you Laxus-Sama." Freed said quietly before coughing again. He sat up for moment.

"Lay back down and rest. I'll get Levy to research a reverse spell. Just focus on getting better." Laxus said gently. A tone that surprised the both them. Freed laid back down and Laxus made the call. Levy quickly agreed to help. Laxus refused to leave Freed's side. He felt this overwhelming guilt that he couldn't be there to protect them. He felt sick. No, colder. He was sure he was going to freeze to death. It didn't take long for the ice on Freed's head to melt. Laxus moved the towel of water. Laxus lays next to him as Freed slept.

Freed seemed to get better when Laxus laid next to him. Laxus moved closer. He made sure Freed didn't get to cold. He pulled his jacket onto Freed. He can keep it. He thought with a smile. Laxus wrapped one arm around him. Soon he to fell asleep.

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