Only Human

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"What is stage 2?" Erza asked Aquarius.

"Stage 2 is impressing your mate. But Lucy skipped over it." Aquarius said. "Celestial Spirits do this to mate their mate want them more. This helps when there are multiple rivals." Erza digs her nails into her palm.

"But you are over looking 1 fact." Erza said darkly.

"What is that?" Aquarius asked.

"Lucy is human. Not a celestial spirit. She doesn't need to impress anyone. She impresses me enough. She quit the team, finally using her voice, a strong fighter. I'm the one who needs to impress her. I can't manage to keep proper care of her." Erza said sadly.

I'm so stupid! For humans it is Alpha and Omega stage 2. Stage 3 is a mystery! Aquarius thought. She wanted someone to punch her. "I apologize." Aquarius handed her a bottle. "Take this. She needs to get off our mating season to her own mating season." Aquarius said.

"I will." Erza said comforting. "Lucy!" Erza yelled as a shadow swallowed her up.

Erza sprinted to the guild. She needed help and now. She didn't know where Lucy was. Maybe the dragon slayers could track her.

Natsu took a deep breath. This was his only chance. He went out to buy groceries and found Gray buying the same food. "Hello Natsu. You left in quite a hurry so I got worried. I decided to buy you some food and -"

"Ice Princess shut up." Natsu said.

"What ya call me Flame brain?"

"Gray. Shut up. I need to tell you something." Natsu said. His stomach was flip floping.


Natsu cut him off with a kiss. Gray was on fire. Actually fire. He couldn't ignore any of the longing to hold Natsu. It was like he was in a mountain of cold(not that it would affect him), and finally fire warmed the place up, bring the ice to melt. Gray wrapped his arms around his neck deeping the kiss. Then there was a loud clearing of the throat interrupted them. It was early Sunday morning. Mirajane and Cana were standing there.

"Seems like someone is having fun with mating season." Cana smirked.

"Mating Season?" Gray asked. He wasn't sure if he heard right.

"Basically a mark and soulmate. Lucy would explain it better." Natsu said plainly. Gray made an 'ooo' expression.

"Wendy needs some help I think." Cana said getting a gut feeling. Mirajane suddenly couldn't talk.

Wendy walked up to Chelia. Courage inside her was flaring. Following Lucy's advice-

"Go straight for the kill. That will speed the process up." Lucy said with a confident smirk.

"Wen. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to start a fight. I just felt like he was stealing you from me. I really really like you!" Chelia begged for forgiveness.

"Do you really like me?" Wendy asked.


Wendy didn't waste a second, as soon as the yes was said, Wendy kissed her. Chelia felt a light breeze past through. It was a small spark. Wendy pulled away. "You are my mate." She talked it through with Lucy.

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