Chapter 5

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The mission Natsu and Gray went on was a complete success! They managed not to blow anything up. Gray had gotten Natsu to smile a little. After the dark mages got arrested they received their reward and Natsu was back to moping. Gray sighed. Thinking about Lucy quitting the team again? I need to cheer him up again. Or have him let it all out at once. Gray and Natsu sat on the train. Natsu fell over and his head landed on Gray's lap.

"Blaaah. How much longer?" Natsu groaned.

"I think an half hour. I'm not sure. But the next town over has a festival. Wanna go?" Gray asked hoping Natsu would say yes.

Natsu reached a hand up and took Gray's. He moved Gray's hand through his hair sorta in a petting motion. When Natsu let go, Gray pet him. Natsu let out a small pur. Gray blushed slightly. Is this a way of him saying yes? He wondered.

They got off at the next stop. A big festival was going on. They were greeted with hugs and pie. Natsu ate his quickly and took Gray's as well. Gray acted like a demon and took Natsu on a rollercoaster. Natsu kept trying to jump off. He barely held in his puke. Gray was laughing so hard by the end he couldn't get off the ride without help.

After that they played some games and won awesome prizes. One of Natsu's favorites was where you throw a ball at a can and have to knock all 3 in 4 tries. Natsu was still feeling the affects of motion sickness so his throws were a little sloppy. Gray won Natsu a cute dragon stuff animal. Natsu loved it. They didn't fight once which was a surprise. They had to spend a night at the nearest hotel because they had stayed late. The only hotel available was a love hotel. Natsu didn't notice, but Gray was a bit flustered.

"You can take the bed flame brain." Gray pulled out his sleeping bag.

"Uh... Okay?" Natsu was confused at his behavior but fell asleep easily. He was so cute looking cuddling with the stuff dragon. Don't believe me? Ask Gray😏.

Later Natsu woke up. He found himself incredible thirsty. He assumed it was from the whole day of events so he got to get a glass of water. After the drink he tiptoed back to the bed. He looked at Gray sleeping on the floor. Not liking the sight, he picked him up and put him onto the bed. He tucked him in and slept on the other side of the bed.

Meanwhile Laxus was so relieved that the sickness caused by an evil mage on Freed had wore off! He accompany Freed to the guild that morning. They ran into quite a lot of trouble. First the dark mage who attack Freed showed up. The dark mage was so confused cause Freed should have still been sick. Laxus felt his dragon take over. He threw the man around with some punches.

Next Laxus was incredible thirsty. His throat got really dry. But he ignored it and decided to wait til he arrived at the guild to get some water. Then the next problem was Freed was glaring at everyone around him. It became uncomfortable because people looked at Laxus weird. Weirder then normal.

Damnit! It never took this long to arrive at the guild before! Can we please hurry up? Laxus picked up the pace. In doing so, he grabbed Freed's hand. Freed blushed at Laxus holding it. He felt protective. More than normal towards Laxus. He knew girls like Laxus. He knew Laxus was Strong, Hot, Smart(a little shallow to say he was smarter then Laxus). He hated seeing them simp over him. He was so jealous!

Laxus arrived and ordered some water right away. Freed went up to the spot where they usually hanged out. "Did you have a fun time with your boyfriend?" Evergreen teased.

"S-Shut up." Freed hissed blushing.

"Come on dude. Just confess already! Everyone knows you like him. Well Except for Laxus of course." Bickslow said loudly. Freed smacked the back of his head. "What the hell did you do that for?"

"What he heard you?" Freed whisper shouted.

"Then I would have saved you the trouble of confessing!" Bickslow smiled his tongue sticking out.

"You know what Freed, I'm going to help you." Evergreen said covering her face with her fan.

"Oh? How so?" Freed asked slightly nervous.

"3 days."

"What?" Freed was confused. Was this some kind of riddle.

"3 days." She repeated.

"I don't understand..."

"I'm giving you 3 days. If you don't confess with in that time I will tell him for you on the 4th day. Got it?" Evergreen smirked. This has to work. She thought.

"What? I thought you said you were gonna help me! This isn't helping me!" Freed whined. He slammed his head on the table.

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