Chapter 8

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Freed was left there a blushing mess. Mate? Confess to Laxus? Alpha Omega? This is all confusing, but awesome as well. He thought. "So you got a day left. Are you gonna confess or do I have to?" Evergreen asked smirking.

"You don't have to." Freed said.

"You two are mates. Even Lucy said it! So he isn't likely to reject you." Evergreen said.

"You don't know that!" Freed hissed. "What about of this do you think is easy?" He demanded. "None of it is!"

"Someone is snappy today. Or is that part of mating season." Bickslow wondered. "Also what does she mean I'm causing you to lose brain cells! I am genius thank you very much."

"Not exactly." Freed said with a slight frown. "You do lack a few brain cells here and there."

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Evergreen noted.

"Shut up Ever." He snapped. Their eyes widen. "I'm leaving." Freed left them in shock.

"Is that part of mating season or is he just moody?" Bickslow asked.

"Good question."

"So I am going to be your mate? What exactly does that mean?" Erza asked.

"Well first we need to find out which one is Alpha or Omega." Lucy said. She smirked getting an idea. "The best way to do that is to sperate for 24 hours. The first one to go to the other for hugs or cuddles is the Omega."

"So you?" Erza teased.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Lucy smirked. "I will be seeing you soon." A blew a kiss before leaving the guild.

"Erza as an Omega? That is hard to see." Gray commented.

"But it is easy to see Lucy as an Alpha." Natsu stated as well.

"Wait didn't she state that dragon slayers go through mating season?" Lisanna questioned.

"I think." They looked at Natsu. His face was pink. Just admit it already! You have a crush on Gray! His flashback made him blush more. "So Natsu do you like any lady?" Macaco asked grinning.

"Uh... I gotta go!" Natsu took off sprinting. I am definitely not straight. He thought. He sat in his house. It was a complete mess. Usually he didn't mind if, but he had so much on his mind that he started cleaning it.

Do I really like Stripper? Like more then a friend or rival? He has been really really sweet the past week, but that doesn't mean I like him or we are meant to be mates. Besides he probably doesn't feel the same way. He probably likes Lyon or Loke. I definitely know he is gay. With all the rumors of him and Loke going around. Who started those rumors anyway? Far off a drunken brunette sneezed. "Who is talking about me now?" Doesn't matter. He isn't my mate. He isn't my mate. He isn't my mate! I do not love him like that! Wait why did I think love?

"Fuuuuuck!" He yelled slamming his head into the wall.

"Whoa! Did Lushie visit? Because this place is clean." Happy said in awe.

"I have stuff to think about Happy. Can you spend time with Carla for today?" He asked.

"No need to ask!" Happy zoomed off to once more confess his feelings to the tsundere exceed.

"Damnit!" Natsu whined once Happy left. "I am going to die ain't I?"

He took a breath and fell against the wall. The stuff dragon he won at the festival with Gray fell into his lap. He picked up and looked at it. He remembered the day was really fun. "I love that stripper." He sighed giving in. "I got to choice. But how does one confess being in love with their rival?"

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