Chapter 2

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Wendy woke up cold. Carla squirmed away. "Child you are cold."

"I know. Can you hand me a hoodie or something?" Wendy changed into long sleeves shirt and long pants.

"Of course Child. But what is making you so cold?" Carla asked tossing her a heavy hoodie.

"It's normal. That's what Natsu told me would happen around this year once I turned 13. Must be a dragon slayer thing." Wendy put it on. The layers and warm clothing didn't seem to help. But she was gonna be late she just decided to be a little cold.

"Are you sure you are going to be alright?" Carla was worried for the girl.

"Of course. Now let's go Carla!" Wendy dragged her along to the guild. Around her favorite cafe, Wendy tripped and fell.

"Are you okay Wen?" A girl her age asked.

"Chelia!" Wendy said excited. Chelia helped Wendy up. "Let me guess, you are here for the guildmates exchanged?"

"Yup. I kinda wanted to surprise you."

"I'm happy your here! We can do so many things together! We can have sleepovers! Train, hang out in the park, and..."

"I'm only here for a month so we will have to use that time wisely." The 2 girls hug once more. Carla made a loud fake cough. "Hello Carla. I see your exceed is following you everywhere as always."

"Yeah. It gets annoying and helpful." Wendy said awkwardly.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Carla asked shocked.

"You always lecture me. It kinda hurts after a while. But you do get Romeo to stop flirting with me." Wendy explained. Chelia felt angry at Romeo for a minute. Wendy is mine! Chelia had one goal this month. Make Wendy her girlfriend!

"Say Wendy why do you have a hoodie on? It's in the 80s to day. So I don't think it's needed."

"Natsu said I would feel cold around this time year. He was right. Today I woke up cold. I think it's a dragon slayer thing." Wendy explained. Chelia wrapped her arms around her. "Eh?" She was slightly blushing.

"You are cold so I thought I should warm you up!" Chelia smiled. Chelia's arms were like fernance. She was now warm. What the heck is going on?

Lucy was sitting at the bar. She was looking at a book. It was listed Celestial history. She found it interesting. She was learning a lot about her magic. Lucy was waiting for Wendy to arrive so she could give Wendy a hug before leaving for a mission. Natsu was shivering. Lucy thought that was weird. But every time she talked about it, Natsu would ignore her. In a way he is guilt tripping me. I don't like it. Lucy thought sadly. She refused to rejoin the team.

"Good Morning!" Wendy called finally arriving.

"Good Morning!" The guild called back. Except for a mopey Natsu.

"So Wendy did come here with your girlfriend?" Lucy asked teasingly.

"N-No." Wendy said blushing.

"Then who is the one glaring at Romeo and clinging to you?" Lucy asked.

"Chelia is just a friend."

"Not sister friend right? If she is your sister friend, we are going to have a few problems. Cause I don't like to share." Lucy was serious.

"J-Just a friend." Wendy said. Lucy gave her a hug. Chelia hissed at Lucy. Causing Lucy to laugh.

"Suuure. Just 'a friend'." Lucy said rolling her eyes. "I'm going on a mission. Most likely a 3 day one. It's Tuesday, and be back by Friday morning."

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