Chapter 7

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Wendy woke up. Chelia's arm was wrapped around her tightly. Wendy smiled. She brushed the hair out her face and got up. Wendy first got a hug of water. Once finishing she got dress. Lucy and Erza was missing. She heard some noises from her bedroom. She opened the door to see:

"Hey Erza..." Lucy said quietly.

"Yes Lucy?" Erza responded.

They were quiet so the others wouldn't wake up. "I been wanting to tell you something for a while now."

"What is it?" Erza asked.

"YOU STUPID STRIPPER!!!" Natsu shouted.


"DON'T FALL ASLEEP ON TOP OF ME AGAIN!" Natsu shouted. That had woken everyone up. Wendy saw Natsu was slightly blushing.

"Fuck!" Lucy cursed stomping off. "Those 2 idiots ruined everything!" Wendy noticed Lucy was blushing. Natsu has a crush on Gray. I have a feeling Lucy likes Erza.

"Both of you be quiet!" Chelia hissed. Little Chelia was as terrifying as Erza in that moment.

"Hey Chel. Sorry they woke you up." Wendy apologized as the 2 boys shook in fear of the girl.

"They didn't wake me up. You disappeared and that woke me up." Chelia wrapped her arms around Wendy. "Wanna head to a pool today?"

"S-Sure." Wendy was blushing. Lucy smirked. Wendy knew she was up to something.

Lucy arrived at the guild hall with Erza. Erza felt for some reason to cling to Lucy. Like something or someone was about to take her away. "Hey Mirajane. How are you?" Lucy asked.

"Good. Um Lucy do you have some advice..." Mirajane asked.

"Depends on what it is." Lucy said sitting down. "What's up?"

"You see Cana sorta confessed last night..."

"Really! That's great! Cana was a nervous wreck. I had to help her out. A lot." Lucy smiled. "So what's the problem?"

"She and I are going on a date. Am I supposed to pick the place or is she? What do we even talk about?" Mirajane was panicking.

"First address Mating Season to her. She needs to know you are going through it." Lucy said arms crossed.

"How do you know about that?" Mirajane asked.

"My family is from a long line of celestial mages. Every celestial mage goes through mating season at some point." Lucy said simply. "Normally it starts at age 13. But for me it was at 15. It can depend. I did research. As I was researching I came across Takeover Mating Season, Dragon Mating Season. It took forever to find celestial mating season. The symptoms are the same thing at stage 2. Which is what you are starting now."

"How many stages are there? What are they?" Mirajane asked. She was thankful Lisanna was covering for her.

"Stage one is searching. Searching for your mate. Stage two is impressing your mate. Stage three is Alpha and Omega. Omegas will be clingy. Claiming to be cold to be near them and stuff like that. Alphas will be protective, jealousy type, and shows most affection when someone is trying to steal their mate." Lucy needed some water. "Stage Four is marking your mate. I don't know about that one yet. I'll ask Krux when I need to know about it."

"Um. Okay... Thanks for the help I guess." Suddenly an image of Cana in a wedding dress appeared in her head again. "I'mma kill Lisanna."

"Eh?" Lucy asked confused.

"Nothing you need to know about." Mirajane said stalking off.

"Mating season? Are you in the middle of it?" Erza asked.

"Yeah. I think." Lucy said thinking. "Yeah I should be. It usually happens around this time of year."

"Do you know who your mate is?" Erza asked. It's probably Loke or someone. She thought sadly.

"I think so. But I have to check." Lucy said her eyes hidden in a shadow.

"How would check if they are your mate?" Erza asked trying to hide the sadness from imaging her with some dude.

Lucy suddenly pulled Erza into a kiss. Erza's eyes widen. "Yeah! Get the girl Hon!" Someone who sounded like Cana hooted. A whistle from Wankada.

"I gotta take lessons from Lucy is she is getting girls like Erza." He said a little to loudly. Lisanna hit him with a pan.

"Let them have their little moment!" She scolded.

Erza felt some electrical feeling. But also like she was somewhere amongst the stars. Lucy pulled away. "Yup. I know who my mate is." Erza's face was redder then her hair.

"Has Luce-Chan arrived yet?" Evergreen asked. They needed about this Anna Heartfilia woman.

"Yeah Cosplayer is here. But we should wait a moment." Bickslow said.

"Why?" Freed asked. He was desperate to get some answers.

"Because she looks like she is busy." Bickslow smirked.

"With what?" Evergreen asked annoyed.

"She kissing Erza right now. So I guess we should wait a moment." Laxus made sure to see some part of it. So he could tell Mira. The demon lady had left a little bit ago.

Freed went back to looking through the book. Dragon Slayers are affected by this at age 13, but if they have a lacarama in them then it will start at some random point after they met their mate. During this time they will either be Alpha or Omega. It is usually the Alpha who confesses. But one every few years the Omega will confess. Freed was confused. Alpha? Omega? What nonsense is that?

Freed got so caught up in the book and didn't notice that it soon became noon. He heard a noise in front of him. Freed looked up. Laxus had set food down in front of him. "Eat. You haven't ate yet." Laxus said.

"Oh. I didn't notice it was noon already." Freed set the book aside and ate the food. They heard a few footsteps.

It was Lucy. "Laxus Mirajane wants you to clean up the mess you made in the kitchen." She said.

"Ugh. Fine." Laxus stomped off.

"So Freed what's up?" She asked. She already knew something was up with the Thunder Legion. She just felt it. She could also feel when her guildmates were sad or something like that.

"You see Lu-Sama, yesterday I was in the library. I was minding my own business when a girl that looked like you, same blond hair, chocolate eyes, and guildmark, dropped a book on me. It is called Dragon Mating Season By Anna Heartfilia. Then the girl disappeared."

Lucy took off running. Then quickly came back with a thick book. She opened the book a few pages. "Is this her?" She pointed to a pic.

"Yes. I believe so." He said. What is going on? He wondered.

A few tears escaped her eyes. "You made Cosplayer cry!"

"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry Lu-Sama!"

"No. It isn't your fault. But it was just my mother when she was younger. She was a fairy tail mage. She loved to cause books to drop on people's heads. She thought it was funny."

"So it was so kind of ghost? Or past thing?" Evergreen asked.

"I think so. I'm guessing my ancestor Anna Heartfilia, was also a fairy tail mage. She wrote books on mating season and such." Lucy said wiping her tears. "Laxus and Freed are affected as well."

"Wait why me?" Freed asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me!? I guess you have been spending so much time with Bickslow that you lost brain cells." Lucy said dramatically.

"Hey!" Bickslow shouted.

"You are Laxus's mate. I thought you would have figured that. To move onto the next stage, you just need to simply confess and kiss." Lucy had stars in her eyes. "Have fun~"

"Cosplayer come back!" Bickslow shouted.

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