Chapter 4

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Lucy had chosen a job in the wilderness. It was to get a picture of a rare snake. Lucy had no clue what it looked like and the client refused to tell her what it looked like. "She wants it before tomorrow but how am I supposed to know what it looks like?" Lucy resolved to taking a picture of every snake out there. Seems like a good solution.

"Lucy?" Lucy whipped around to find Erza.

"Hello Erza. What are doing here?"

"I went on a job that is to find a rare batch of berries." Erza stretched. "You are looking for a snake right?"

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"A client told me about it. Annoying and waste of time. Why didn't she have you do both?"

"I don't know. I guess she wants to rub it into the other people's faces that she has money. So much that powerful mages come for it."

"You seem to know about it." Erza was amazed. She wouldn't have guessed that. But then again, Lucy was one of the guild's smartest, and she felt like an idiot next to her.

"I grew up in a similar environment."

"Luckily you didn't turn out the same way." Erza said happily. She gave Lucy a hug to her armor. Lucy let out a small ow. "I was hoping to train with you before you left."

"We can this Sunday if you still want to train together." Lucy offered.

You don't even have to ask! "Of course. Maybe I can teach you how to use a sword."

In 3 seconds she took Erza's sword and sliced a bush in half and Erza didn't see her move. Lucy performed a high level technique. One that took Erza years to learn. "What did you say I needed to learn?"

Lucy you are simply amazing. Erza thought. "I guess we better add a sword to your load of things to carry."

Cana read the stupid magazine. She couldn't find out how to enter. It was so freaking hard. All she wanted was to win a date with Mirajane so she could finally get her feelings out! Cana had been studying it for hours.

"It's on page 13 section 8. It's not on the page where the competition is announced." Lisanna said out of no where.

"Ack! When did you get crazy lady?" Cana screeched. She flipped to the requested page. "Oh and Thank you."

"You better not hurt Mira-Nee." Lisanna warned.

"I would never hurt Mir. Plus Mir would be way more scarier than you if I was to ever even think of breaking things off."

"True. Best of luck!" Lisanna sang.

"Where the hell did she spawn from? Does she have teleportation powers or something?" Cana said as Lisanna disappeared.

Cana read the rules. You enter your name, age, and what your date will be with Mirajane. It was simple enough. Cana tried her hardest to write it in her neatest handwriting. She thought of what kind of date Mirajane would like. Maybe a night club, or would a movie night at home be better. Maybe a night at a five star hotel? She didn't have money for any of it. She finally decided the perfect date for her. The ran back to the guild. She had to learn some money and fast! Then wait a week...

Chelia and Wendy left the guild. Wendy seemed to warm up around her. They explored town and the park. The forest next to guild. Tried 8 different flavors of ice cream. And did a minor training exercise. The day ended by a nice movie. It was getting late. Now time for bed! "See you tomorrow Chelia!" Wendy waved. She was about to head out when Chelia grabbed her arm.

"I didn't book a hotel room. There is none near by in this town. Can you do me a favor and let me stay at your place for a month?" Chelia asked.

"Of course! Do you have any problem with it Carla?" Wendy turned to see her exceed friend. She wasn't there. "Carla?" She called out. "Carla!!"

"She was with us... Uh... Eep! I think we left her at the guild!"

"Crap! We are so dead!" They ran back to the guild. They were right about leaving her behind. But Carla never noticed.

"Carla hugged me! Carla hugged me!" Happy said cheerfully.

"Don't over think it." Carla blushed.

"Sorry we left you here Carla." Wendy apologized.

"You did what? When?"

"Wait what have you been doing the past few hours?"

"Sleeping, helping Lisanna. You left me here?"

"I was so excited to show Chelia around that we accidentally forgot about you."

"Well that's a little rude, but I forgive you."

Mirajane was sleeping. Unable to get the image of Cana in a wedding dress out of her head. "Ugh! Stupid Lisanna! Stop putting ideas in my head!" Mirajane screeched. She was now unable to sleep.

"Never!!!!" Lisanna was in the room next door.

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