1. First encounter

49 3 13

10:48pm - Monday night


Yoongi is a project manager at the intel corporation in Soul, Korea. He works there out of the necessity of money not desire. He dreams to work in music but due to his parents' disapproval and lack of time and funds to do so he can't. at least not for now..}

"Fucking finally" I mumbled to myself as I sat back in my uncomfortable chair aching from exhaustion. I've been working since 5 am this morning on contracts and training new employees and whatnot. I hate this stupid job. If I could quit right now I would.

I stood up and stretched my stiff body flinching as my arms and back popped. I grabbed my coat and work bag and shuffled my way out of the office. 

It was quiet. it didn't look like anyone was still in the building - or at least on my floor. 

I checked the time on my phone.

10:57 pm

crap crap crap

I ran as fast as my sore and tired body would allow and raced downstairs to the lobby. I had about 3 minutes until the last train for the day left. I wasn't in the mood to walk 30 minutes just to get home.

As I ran outside making my way to the train station near my work my worst nightmare became a reality.

I was a mere 10 steps away from having a ride home.


I let out a heavy sigh and start on my unsavory path back home.

It was only when I was a good 5 minutes into my walk when I noticed it was drizzling. I picked up the pace afraid that it might start pouring soon. 

My coat had no hood on it.

My sore legs tried to keep at an easy pace as I raced against the time. I slipped a few times due to the slick,wet ground.

As the rain poured down it became almost impossible to carry on so I went into an alleyway that had a slight covering on its roof to take a break and assess my current situation. 

I put my hands on my knees and bent over to catch my breath then took out my phone to see what time it was.

11:15 pm


Frustrated with my limited options, I shoved my phone into my pocket and leaned up against the closest wall under a small overhang to rest. 

A few moments later I hear a whimpering noise to my right.

My head jerked to the darker part of the alleyway. I couldn't see anything but a few trash bins and a small blinking light near the doorway of the backdoor of a shop. 

"h-hello?' my voice came out in a shaky rasp. In all honestly, I was scared shitless. This was the part in the horror movie where the evil villain or monster comes out and kills his first prey.

I was in no condition to run or scream so if a murderer popped out that would be the end of me.

I hear ruffling coming behind one of the garbage bins. My curiosity overtook my fear as the soft sounds continued. I turned on my phone's flashlight and walked slowly to where the noise was coming from. 

"Anyone there?" I say in phony confidence.

A small frail boy limped out of the small hole behind the trash bin and tries his best to create some distance between us.

"I - I have no money, please don't hurt me" he pleaded. tears were falling out of his eyes as he shook from the cold. I tried to move toward him, but he retracted in fear.

"Hey hey it's okay, it's okay. I am not here to hurt you" I said in an attempt to calm him down."what's your name?" I asked.

"j-jimin" he said with a voice still thick with fear.

"well Jimin, My name is yoongi. can I ask what you are doing out here?'

"i-i can't go back" he started tearing up again and shaking even harder "please don't let him hurt me" he fell to his knees and sobbed.

I walked over to him and carefully put my hand on his back.

he immediately jumped and backed away with fear in his eyes.

I can't just leave this poor dude out in the cold like this. I have a spare mattress at my place.

What's the worst that can happen.



end of the chapter


{authors notes}

hey friends I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

if you have any suggestions on how this story should play out lmk because I'm legit making this up as I go, to be honest, LOL. 

I try to update regularly, adioss

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