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Monday 12:22pm

It's been a couple of days since I and Jimin had our talk.
I may be overthinking it but Jimin seemed so much happier and calmer.
He was much more talkative and handsy.

His constant affection towards me has been affecting me a lot. I'm not sure if I'm gaining feelings for him, or I'm just painfully deprived of love and affection. But whatever it is, it's been making it hard for me to be around jimin for long periods of time.

I'm afraid of getting too close...
He won't be here forever, he will find a job and leave me. So I can't develop any sort of attachment to him.

The problem is

 it may be too late

3:45 pm

I called Tae and Jungook to come over and hang out with Jimin while I got some work done in our bedroom. They have been itching for a chance to solidify their friendship with him. 

The two boys have been together since our senior year of college. They live together and are practically joined by the hip. They even have the same jobs.

I am never sure if I am sickened by or jealous of their relationship

They arrived around 5:15 pm. 1 and a half hours after they said they would be here. Tae barged in and immediately began searching for Jimin. Smothering Jimin with hugs and cheek pinches when he was spotted on the couch.

Jungkook came scratching his head with an apologetic look on his face. 

"s-sorry Hyung," He said sheepishly. before he could continue and make things awkward I replied.

"Don't worry about it kid" shrugging. I honestly didn't mind their lateness. Jimin wasn't a bother, I just wanted him to have some company.

"n-no I mean" he began before being rudely interrupted by the one person I wasn't in the mood to see.

"Hey cutie"

My eyes rolled so hard, that I was almost sure I could hear them.

"what is Hoseok doing here?" I grubbled curtly at Jungkook. Tae stopped snuggling Jimin and came to Jungkooks defense.

"Hyungie, it isn't Kookie's fault. Hobi Hyung bribed him with banana milk to allow him to come today. and he promised not to be mean to Jimin." Tae said. He was giving me puppy eyes. I don't know what pissed me off more, the fact that they let Jhope come or the fact that the puppy eyes were working on me. 

I could see Jimin tense up from the corner of my eye.

"Look, I am sorry for being "rude" the last time I was here. I meant nothing but "good vibes" and whatnot. Now can you stop being mad at me I have missed you Hyung" Hobi said walking toward me and attempting to give me a hug.

I pushed my hand into his chest and stepped back.

" apologize to Jimin." I said.

He reluctantly turned his body toward where Jimin was sitting.

"Jimin, I am so sorry for being rude" The annoyance I felt grew into anger. His apology was thick with reluctance and insincerity. He turned back to me with a wide smile.

"There, happy?" He said while attempting to embrace me for a second time.

I stopped him in the same fashion as before and muttered "fuck off" before making my way to Jimin. 

"Jimmie?" I said softly while sitting in front of him.

"Y-yes Hyung?" he whispered back. He was obviously nervous. His voice trembled.

"I am going to be working for the next 5-6 hours, I got some work done today so I should be done before Midnight. Are you comfortable being out here by yourself with them?" I asked. 

he nodded his head.

"Ok, I'll be in my room, come to me if you need anything ok?" I said patting his head before getting up to retire back to my bedroom. Before closing the door behind me I turned around to face hoseok.

"One fuck up and I'll kick you out," I said sternly.

"But Jungkook and Tae are my rides" He huffed back. I glared at him.

Would it be unfair to count this as his one fuck up and kick him out now?

"fine fine I'll be good" he pouted.

Quick Jimin pov (if you guys like this I will put random sections of Jimin's POV to switch things up a bit)

The second Yoongi Hyung left Hoesok's glare met mine. 

Crap. I don't know how I am going to survive 5-6 hours with this guy. He clearly hates me. And I am not too fond of him either. The way he tried to hug yoongi - I mean I know they are friends but...

I don't know it just feels like there is more to it, and maybe I'm jealous

Is that crazy?

Before I could overthink the night away Tae brought me back into reality.

"Jiminie!" he squeaked "Let's make some cookies, I brought chocolate chip and sugar"

"OOH and I brought Video games and Banana milk!" Jungkook said proudly.

I smiled at them. I really liked Tae and Jungkook. They were so kind and fun to be around. I wished it was just us three here at the moment.

"Sounds fun," I said beaming at them. Tae giggled and pulled me up and into the kitchen to start preparing to make our treat. Jungkook started unboxing all of the video games and drinks from his box and Jhope plopped on the couch quietly.

I suppose If he stayed like that all night it would be ok.

Time skip - 11:02

Both Tae and Jungkook had fallen asleep, so it was just me and Jhope awake. We sat on the opposite ends of the couch, silently while he skipped through the channels trying to find something to watch.

This went on for about 5 Min before he started talking.

"you and yoongi seem to be getting close," he said with a phony smile.

"I-I guess" He turned off the tv and turned his entire body to face me before standing up. He walked towards me and bent down to meet me eye to eye. 

"he is mine." Hoseok sneered.

" you guys are dating?" I asked trying to muster up as much confidence as possible.

He rolled his eyes "Not yet, but he misses me" he retorted "Find yourself a job and get out of our lives if you know what's good for you" he threatened.

Tears started forming in my eyes. I did my very best to keep myself from crying in front of him. I developed a good poker face over the past few years and I prayed I still had it down.

Before I could reply to Jhope's threat we were interrupted.



end of the chapter


Hey bookies, sorry for taking such a long break. I hope you enjoyed this chapter ~

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