3. Rythem

33 3 2

The next day started off hectic.

When the light from the rising sun poked between my curtains, waking me up from what was probably the best sleep I have had in a while. I realized I slept 4 hours over my usual wake-up time. Comforted by that fact I turned around to check on Jimin.

And he was gone. 

All that was left on the bed was a tiny body print.

Panic started to cloud as I quickly got out of bed to search for him. 

After 30 minutes of calling for him and checking 'almost' everywhere for him. I slid on my jacket and prepared to go outside to look for him.

As I was just about to step out the door I heard whimpering. 

"jimin?" I called out trying to pinpoint where the sound came from.

I walked towards my room and decided to check my closet. Even though I was sure I had already checked in there.

I shifted through the mound of clothes piled in the tiny walk-in. Praying to whatever god was listening that he was in there and safe.

As I got to the bottom of the mound I felt a tiny arm. A wave of relief washed over me and I continued digging to uncover the boy fully.

Now I know what you thinking. "how big was the pile of clothes in your closet."

And to be perfectly honest. I don't remember the last time I Folded or hung up any of my clothes so... Yeah.

Jimin was fast asleep cuddling some of my shirts up against his face. 


I picked him up and carefully place him on my bed.

I got into bed with him deciding that while he slept, I could take this time to inform the few friends I had about Jimin and ask them for help.

I texted the group chat and got my first responses from Jin Hyung and namjoon. Jin. being a cook and stepping into the role of the group "mother" (don't call him that to his face tho) he immediately sent Namjoon out to go get him essentials like clothes, shoes, toothbrushes, blankets, etc. 

Taehyung and Jungkook said that they would bring over video games and banana milk.

and j-hope. well, he was a little weird about it. He kept asking why I couldn't get him a hotel and shit. Like I could afford one. I brushed his weirdness off and got back out of bed to prepare a bath for jimin to get him ready to meet my guests. 

After getting the water warm I want to go gently wake Jimin up. 

"jimin,Jiminie wake up" I cooed softly. only raising my voice loud enough for him to hear. I placed my hand on his backhand he imidetly jumped up.

"s-sorry I didn't mean to scare you," I said backing up.

"i-its okay Hyung" he whispered back, obviously still exhausted.

"Jimine, my friends want to come by and meet you if that's okay, they're all really great," I said smiling.

"o-okay hyung, sounds good" He replied with a small smile.

"I don't know how long you planning on staying here but I want you to feel as comfortable as possible" I began to explain "I don't want you to be intimidated by my friends or anything, they just want to help." 

"t-thanks Hyung," he said with his head down. "I-" he started before becoming quiet.


"I don't want to intrude or overstay my welcome so I can leave anytime you want me to Hyung" he frowned.

"Jimin, I know we don't really know each other but-" I took a breath and continued "I want you to stay here at least until you find somewhere else just as safe to go. Please don't worry about overstaying." I looked down, embarrassed by how cringy and cliche I was being. 

Before I could look up I felt Jimin's small frame slam into me as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

Unsure and shocked by the sudden action I stood still like a dumbass. Jimin backs up with his head down.

"s-sorry" he whispered. 

"n-no it's okay, it was cute" I chuckled nervously.

"Thanks," he said nervously laughing back.

Time Skip- Yoongis friends arrival

Jimin was sitting on the couch in my sweatshirt and shorts. both were too big for him. 

'Ding dong'

"looks like they're here Jimmie" I said patting his head before I walked towards the door.

I looked back at him before opening it and saw him nervously fidgeting and biting his lip.

"it'll be okay Jimin" I reassured him with a smile.

Right as I opened the door Jin rushed in pushing me to the side causing me to trip and fall on my ass.

"where is he!? where- AWE oh my gosh he is so cute!" Jin gushed "Hi Jimin my name is Jin but you can call me Hyung or Jin Hyung whatever you like," he said while squishing Jimin's cheeks.

"give him some space Babe," namjoon said walking in with a number of bags in his hands. HE dropped them down and let out a big sigh before plopping into the bean bag chair near the tv.

"My name is Namjoon its nice to meet you"

"h-hi Hyungs" Jimin said quietly.

"awe your such a cutie" jin said while hugging Jimin tightly. "I'm going to go set the food up, I made everything so eat what you like" 

Jimin looked at me again. I am guessing for reassurance so I smiled at him.

The next people to show up were Tae and Junkook. They both ran in instead of knocking. Junkook had a bunch of consoles and a stack of videos while carrying Tae on his back who had a bag full of banana milk.

"the baddest bitch has arrived," Tae said confidently. 

"and his boyfriend brought video games"Jungkook continued. 

"why must you all be so chaotic? You're going to scare the boy" I scolded them.

"oh please grandpa this is nothing," Tae said while rolling his eyes "I Jimin! my name is Taehyung and this is my boyfriend Jungkook. It's nice to meet you!" He said while helping Jungkook set up the video games.

"H-hi" jimin said while letting out a giggle. That was reassuring. It seemed like he was becoming more comfortable.

"Lunch is ready!" Jin sang out from the kitchen.

"hey, where is hobie?" Jungkook asked while collecting the various bags on banana milk he and V left on the floor.

"dunno" i said nonchalantly 

"Im sure he will be here soon he said he was coming" Namjoon replied.

I shrugged my shoulders and got up from the floor to get Jimin ready for lunch. I picked him up and brought him to the kitchen table, sitting him down on a chair in between Jin and me. 

One by one everyone came to the table. Jin made tteokboki, kimchi, burgers, ramen everything really. and Jungkook passed out two banana milks to everyone.

Before everyone could start eating the door opened and slammed. everyone went quiet and turned their heads over to see who had arrived.

"You guys were going to wait for me right?"


End of the chapter


Hey guys so this chapter feels sucky so I might restart it but  idk. Lmk what you think. 

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