
22 1 2

"I can't do this anymore Hyung". My heart dropped.

I was stiff from shock and fear. My body refused to turn around to face him.

"I think it would be better if I left maybe...". Jimin muttered. I move my head slightly to the right and saw that all of his things were gone from our closet.

He had already packed? no


"Please don't leave me" I cried, finally able to turn my body toward him.

I grabbed onto his sleeve and cried out the same four words over and over.

"Please don't leave me"

"Please don't leave me"

"Please don't leave me"

Why does he want to leave me?

My head was spinning. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open.

How long have I been crying? I can barely breathe.

"Hyung?" I heard a soft voice mutter.

Jimin? Is that you?

Jimin doesn't leave me.

"Please don't leave me Jiminine"

I can't breathe.

Help me.

- - -

Monday 2:34 pm

- - -



"Hyunggg Wake up your scaring me"


I shot up, shaking my head in an attempt to become aware of my surroundings. My body was sore and thick with unrest and fear.

"J-Jiminie?" I muttered. He was here. Next to me. he didn't leave. Relief washed over my body as I worked to determine what was a dream and what was reality.

"Hyung... are you ok" Jimin whispered softly while cupping my face.

Fuck. what did he hear?

"Y-yeah why?" I replied trying to sound confused by his confusion. I didn't want to worry him or confess to him that I thought he was leaving me.

His eyes narrowed, and the worried look on his face intensified, mixing itself with curiosity and suspicion.

" Hyung you were talking in your sleep... asking me not to leave you," He said slowly, watching for my reaction.

So he heard everything then. Well, that's just fantastic.

I let out a sigh and then sat up. " I am sorry for worrying you baby. It was nothing but a bad dream, I promise."

"But-" Before he could probe me further I attempted to distract him.

"You hungry?"

" Y- yeah..." He replied, still confused and worried. His forehead creased "But Hyung, I really think we should-"

"I'll make you some pancakes baby, I am hungry too, get dressed and met me in the kitchen," I said while walking out of our room.

I really don't think he is going to let this go. I let out a heavy sigh and got to work on the pancakes.


5:41 pm


Hey guys long time no see:)

This is part one and I will be posting part 2 tomorrow or Sunday,

sorry for being gone so long ily <3

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