6. Trust me [TW!! abuse and torture]

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"what's up Hyung?" he said with an innocent smile on his face. The feeling of guilt and nervousness started balling up in my stomach. I tried swallowing it down before I continued.

"Why don't you come over here and sit with me?" I motioned my hand to the seat across from where I sat at the table and tried to put on a warm smile. I don't want to make him nervous or uncomfortable. 

He got up and skipped towards where I pointed and sat down, still smiling. "Ok, so tell me why your acting so funny" he giggled. He definitely seemed to be a little bit more comfortable with me. That's a good sign. Hopefully, this goes well. 

"Jimmie, I" I started. I was unsure of how to frame my question. "well, I erm" 

"It's okay Hyung just tell me," he said. I could hear the nervousness creeping into his voice which only fueled my own.

"I need you to tell me about your past" I blurted out. 

Jimin sat there unmoving. His expression turned into a slight frown. 

"I- well only if you want to" I back peddled, afraid of pushing him away "I just think maybe telling me would be beneficial, you know? help me help you. right? I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't have asked" I rambled on.

"Hyung" he finally said. we locked eyes. "it's okay. I will tell you"

We both took a deep breath before he began.

"Well, where do I start" he chuckled half-heartedly.

"a-any where" was all I managed to say back. My emotions were making it hard for me to for words.

"ok well, let's start from the begging shall we?" he took a deep breath and began.

"My full name Name is Park Jimin and I am 22 years old. I was born in Geumjeong District, Busan, South Korea to two very poor factory workers. My parents work for Dongdaemun Saebit Market, One of South Korea's largest counter-fit companies. The minimum wage is $7.41 US dollars/hr. They made about $4 dollars/hr.  Life was very hard for them. They could barely make ends meet. So when I came into the picture" He swallowed, and took another breath. I got up and sat on the chair next to him and grabbed his hand. 

"Take your time Jimin," I smiled. He squeezed my hand and continued.

"When I came into the picture, life became even harder for them. We lived in a one-bedroom house in a crappy run-down area. The bills were rarely paid on time and we always had eviction hanging over our heads. When I turned 16, my parents couldn't pay for the bills, food, and our basic necessities. We were about to be homeless." he squeezed my hand and started tearing up.

"To combat our impending doom. I - I became a prostitute." he swallowed hard and looked at me in shame. I placed my other hand on top of his hand and gave him a reassuring smile. 

"It's okay. I'm not judging. please continue. " I said as calmly as I could.

"Well, At first it went great for my parents. I made them hundreds of dollars in a day. I was well sought after. Me and my family were finally able to live comfortably. We moved into a 2 bedroom apartment in a much nicer neighborhood. We were able to buy name-brand food and go to regular department stores." he laughed. "I know it sounds silly but that was an impossibility for us at the time. But sometimes things are too good to be true." 

"After about of year of this, my parents quit their jobs. I asked them if I could work somewhere else so I would not have to sexuality violate my body for money any longer and they brushed me off.

Instead of listening to my concerns and requests, they became my pimps. as horrible as that sounds. They made sure I stayed at a certain weight.  Made me quit school so I could make more money. Bought me slutty clothes. Their obsession with making money off of me, and seeing me as their 'cash cow' became scary."

"When I turned 18, I planned to run away. I knew the ins and outs of the streets and could make enough money on my own to afford my own place. Plus I've been overcharging coustomors and embezzling the extra money for myself while giving the rest to my parents. It seemed as if my plan was going to work. I had 15k saved up and a small bag that was packed with essentials hidden in my closet. But unfortunately, fate has a nasty way of throwing curve balls at you."

"it turns out my parents knew about my plan all along and made their own arrangements to combat them. Since I was "betraying and abanding" them, they were planning on returning the favor. A very well-known businessman had heard of me and my 'skills' and wanted to have me. I'm not sure if you have heard of him. His name is Jackson Wang" He looked at me for confirmation.

I just nodded in shock. still trying to process everything. " well," he continued "Jackson offered my parents 150K in US dollars to have 'ownership' of me, and my parents gladly accepted.  They packed my shit and sent me out the door within a few hours of the deal being made. "

"I am sure it comes to no surprise that Jackson is not the best person to walk this earth. He is a total pig. He and his wife treated me like a slave. They beat me, branded me, and made me cook and clean for them. starved me." He started tearing up again. His grip on my hands became tighter as he struggled to compose himself. "it was horrible," he said, his voice thick with sadness. "So after about 4 years of torture, I finally had enough, I ran away the secound I knew Mr. & Mrs. Wang weren't paying attention and bolted into the night. I got lost and it was cold so I hid behind some trashcans in an alleyway to formulate a plan and that's when you found me." He was clearly on the verge of breaking down. Desperately trying to hold himself together.

It pained me to hear about his hardships and angered me that his own parents would treat him like this. "So that's basically it, I am not sure if Mr. Wang is looking for me or not but I am terrified of being found if I am," he said sadly. 

I wasn't sure what I could do for him besides provide him with a place to sleep and maybe help him find a job. I knew I put myself in a dangerous situation helping this boy but I couldn't allow him to be all alone and in danger. 

Jungkook teaches boxing classes so Jimin and I could go to those to have an extra layer of protection. 

"Jimin" I said suddenly, breaking the silence.

"yes Hyung," he said looking up at me to meet my gaze.

 "I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I can't guarantee anything but I will do my best. I promise." I said to him.

He jumped into my lap and hugged me. 

"thank you" was the last thing he said to me that night. I moved us to my bedroom and we laid there cuddled together. 

I will keep him safe. 

I have to. 


end of the chapter


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