Bio of SCP- ( error )-1: The Pack Children of Mayham

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Full Name: Merita Mayham

Prefers to be called: Mery or anything that has part of her actual name in it

Doesn't like to be called: anything that isn't her actual name or part of her name.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: bisexual ( with female preference )

Species: unknown

Pack status: Omega

Appearance: she has the appearance of a young adult female looking around her mid twenties, about 5 ft 4 in height, her hair colors are of orange, red, and yellow making it look like a flame, she has unnatural bright blue eyes that are doe eye shape, she has very pale skin with dark freckles, has multiple scars on her back, arms, and legs. She has a slightly darker tone markings incredibly similar to a wolf's.

Head cannon voice: Fluttershy from Mlp

Accent: American

Normal behavior: She's normally soft spoken and quite shy, She knows many kinds of arts and crafts as well as she's very talented in many of the arts and crafts, she's a bit mischievous, she's very caring and sweet towards those she trust and to non-hostile D class. She avoids eye contact and is incredibly skittish. She claims to have bad memory but she has incredible memory of certain things.

Hostile behavior: when hostile, she's very aggressive, feral, and hard to predict her movements. For some unknown reason, the only things that calm her down are Dr Buck, Dr Collingwood, and the others of her species she claims to be her siblings.

Abilities: Many of her abilities and powers are unknown for now but she does seem to have an incredible high tolerance to pain claiming she rarely feels physical pain, heightened sense of smell that she claims that she can know anything and anyone by mainly her sense of smell, heightened agility, heightened speed, slightly heightened strength, and the ability to bring objects to life, She mainly only brings any arts and crafts she's made to life.

- Family relationships -

- Mother -

Merita does show signs that her mother was abusive towards her in some way but the history about her mother is unknown for the time being?

- Father -

Merita claims that she has a very strong bond to her father who from what she's told isn't human, Merita often says that there are others like her father in the world.

- siblings -

Merita claims she has many half siblings who shared the same father as her, she seems to have a strong and protective bond towards her siblings who she mostly refers to as her " pack " and has sometimes mentioned that she used to have a twin sister but she often refuses to talk about her twin.

- human relationships -

She's mostly distrustful towards many humans but she slowly warms up towards the people of the Scp foundation thanks to Dr Buck and Dr Collingwood's influence and guidance to understanding that the Scp are friend to her not foe.

- Dr Collingwood -

Merita has hinted that Dr Collingwood reminds her of her deceased twin sister.

- Romantic relationship/her love interest -

Merita and Dr Buck have shown to have romantic interest towards each other as the longer the two get to know each other and spend time together

- How she was discovered -

Merita was discovered in the mountains of Arizona by a couple of hikers claiming that she was the spirit of a girl who disappeared into the mountains years ago.


I hope you like Merita's character!

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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