Chapter 2: Testing

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Merita woke up in the containment cell, she could tell that she was alone by her sense of smell not sensing any other scents than her own in the room, Merita walked around the cell. Merita then wondered the tests that Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck were talking about the day before.

( With Dr Buck )

Dr Buck was doing a briefing about Scp-Mayham with some other researchers including Riley.

Dr Buck: Scp-Mayham is a newly discovered SCP, she has the appearance of a female human with wolf markings, unatural bright colored eyes, paw pads on the bottom of her feet, and she has the ability to transform into a creature that looked more animal like. When she's this creature she has the capability to injure her victims majorly, yesterday she was close to succeeding in killing Scp-096 who was badly injured and luckily didn't die from his wounds. So far we don't have a containment cell that can fully contain her at the moment due to us not fully understanding what she's fully capable of. For the time being the tests will be about learning about what other abilities she could have and there will be interviews on finding out more about her and her family, the foundation is searching for her father and siblings within the mountains of Arizona, if Scp-Mayham says anything in her interviews that might be useful to finding her family please report it immediately. Any questions?

Riley raised her hand

Dr Buck: yes Riley?

Riley: what class is Scp-Mayham?

Dr Buck: the foundation hasn't classified what class Scp-Mayham is yet, they are determining if she's a High Keter, Low Thaumiel, or an Euclid.

( Time skip )

Dr Buck and Riley were heading to Merita's Containment cell, they were going to due some tests on her.

Riley: so what are we going to be testing?

Dr Buck: we are going to test Scp-Mayham's behavior towards humans both when hostile and non hostile and we are also going to get a closer look on her transformation and her creature form to hopefully get some answers of what else she could possibly do.

When they got to Merita's Containment cell's monitoring room they saw through the window that the cell was now filled with all kinds of art and crafts supplies scattered around with Merita happily sitting in the middle of it sewing a pastel pink stuffed rabbit with brown antlers and pastel green button eyes.

Riley: were those in there before?

Dr Buck: no, they weren't.

Merita sniffed the air and she turned her head to the one way window and looked towards Dr Buck's direction.

Merita: hi Dr Buck.... Who's your new friend? ( She asked a bit shyly )

Dr Buck turned on the intercoms of the cell as Riley's eyes widened in shock that Merita knew that they were there.

Dr Buck: Where did you get all the supplies Scp-Mayham? ( She asked sternly )

Merita didn't respond she just took a pair of scissors out of her hair and cut the thread that was attached to her sewing needle finishing the stuffed rabbit before she put the scissors back in her hair with a soft smile.

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