Chapter 6: Ethan's Interview

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Ethan sat across from Riley at the table in the interrogation room. Ethan was glaring at Riley with his wolf ears pointed back.

Riley: Okay, Scp-Stitched-1 I-

Ethan: Ethan, my name is Ethan. Where's my mother and sister?

Riley: Scp-Mayham-1 and Scp-Stitched-2 are-

Ethan: that's not their names.

Then Carson walked in to much of Riley's displeasure.

Riley: Agent Carson your not supposed to-

Carson: No offense Riley but you're not going to get anything from Ethan here, so I'm going to help ( turns to Ethan ) Hey kid, we just want to ask you some questions, your mom and sister are okay, your sister is waiting in a room for ya while your mom is resting from what happened.

Ethan: ( his ears precked up ) Okay

Carson: First off ( looks at Riley's clipboard ) Do you have any abilities or oddities, other than the obvious.

Ethan nodded before he sniffed the air, he then got out of his chair and walked to Riley. Riley was confused by what Ethan was doing until Ethan pulled up her sleeve and revealed that there was a burn mark her arm inches away from her hand and wrist.

Carson: Woah, where did that come from?

Riley: I accidentally spilled coffee on my arm this morning, it's fin-

Ethan placed his hand on the burn and the burn glowed a faint white, once the glow went away Ethan removed his hand from the burn to reveal that... The burn was now fully healed, as if week has passed by.

Carson: Okay, that was cool.

Riley: Ethan how long have you had this ability?

Ethan just shrugs, Riley then sighed and decided to go to the next question.

Riley: Do you get the instinct to hurt people?

Ethan: ( shakes his head " no " ) I'm four.

Carson: huh?

Riley: Okay, Do you have any idea where the location of the other entities of Scp-Mayham?

Ethan tilted his head with confusion.

Carson: She means, do you have any idea where we can find the rest of your family in the mountains of Arizona?

Ethan: sorry, I can't tell you that. Aunt Lilith said to never tell strangers where you live.

Carson: Understandable

Riley: Carson! We are supposed to find them.

Carson: Well excuse me for understanding why this kid's aunt doesn't want him telling where they live.

Ethan watched in amusement as Carson and Riley started bickering. Carson and Riley's bickering was then interrupted by a loud growl sound, they looked at Ethan and saw that it was his stomach that was making the sound.

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