Chapter 3: The Interview/ her first kill

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Merita was still in her creature form and was sitting on her bed in her containment cell that was cleaned up but the one way window was still broken, Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck walked into her cell and she greeted them with a smile.

Dr Collingwood: oh you've not turned back

Merita: I wanted to try to get used to this form, cause I have a feeling you humans are going to have me turn into this form a lot.... ( She said silently, not making eye contact )

Dr Collingwood: yes.... We wanted to ask you some questions regarding your past, your family, and how to find them-

Merita: why do you need to find my family?

Dr Buck: to contain them.

Merita: but why? They aren't doing anyone harm- er well not on purpose....

Dr Collingwood: it's just for your own safety Mery, and it's for your family's safety as well.

Merita's ears lowered a little in worry when Dr Collingwood said that last part.

Merita: my family is in danger? I need to go back-

Dr Collingwood: no no that's not what I meant, ( sighs ) I understand this whole situation is confusing and I can't imagine how you feel about you being forced to stay in a room-

Merita: it's ok Dr Collingwood.... I'm kinda used to this....

Dr Collingwood was confused and worried by Merita's statement and so was Dr Buck but Dr Buck didn't want to show it.

Dr Buck: Scp-Mayham, when did you began having your abilities of turning into this form your in now and your other abilities?

Merita thought for awhile before speaking as her tail curled up and down like a cat.

Merita: I believe was I was 12 or 13, at first I was confused and scared but my father and my siblings assured me that it was completely normal for our kind, it's kinda a puberty thing.

Dr Collingwood: so your siblings have the same abilities as you?

Merita: no, all my siblings have their own unique set of abilities and they are a lot stronger and better than me.... I'm the youngest out of our sibling pack.

Dr Buck: sibling pack?

Merita: oh it's kinda how you called a group of baby cat siblings a litter of kittens, but we all come from different mothers due to our father's species slowly dying out to extinction....

Dr Collingwood: wait so your father had mated with other women than your mother to try to save the species?

Merita: ( nods ) all the pure bloods of his species do, as for us hybrids we are like humans when it comes to courtships.

Dr Buck: so your siblings don't have the same powers as you?

Merita: oh yes, we even have different markings like my sister Lilith, she has tigar markings, not wolf markings like me and my brother Spirit.

Dr Collingwood: I see, is there any other features that your siblings have?

Merita: which do you want me to do first? Brothers or sisters?

The Mayham SCP ( An SCP Animated- Tales from the foundation fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now