Chapter 5: Kiki's Interview

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Kiki was still curled up in the corner of the interrogation room, Dr Collingwood and Lawrence were in the room.

Lawrence: I didn't want to leave the kid by herself, she hasn't left that corner at all.

Dr Collingwood: ( looks at Kiki ) Hi Kiki, I'm Dr Collingwood, I'm a friend of your um.. mother.

Kiki turns her head at Dr Collingwood, they could see that Kiki had tear stains on her face.

Dr Collingwood: I know this whole situation is confusing and scary but we're just trying to help-

Kiki: scary ( she said, her voice sounded like Dr Collingwood's )

Lawrence had a shock expression, Dr Collingwood saw this

Dr Collingwood: Kiki here can only mimic words and sentences that she hears, including having her voice sound like the person she heard it from.

Lawrence: Okay, that makes some sense.

Kiki: some sense ( she said, her voice sounding like Lawrence )

Lawrence: She might accidentally spill secrets if this is how she talks-

Kiki: I kill people


Lawrence: A lot of Scps do.

Dr Collingwood: Okey anyway, Kiki can you come sit at the table with me so we can have a little chat. I promise I'll try my best to explain the situation that's happening okay?

Kiki: Okay

Kiki slowly stood up and walked to the empty chair across the table from Dr Collingwood. Kiki struggled a little to get on the chair but she managed to get on the seat with the help of Lawrence.

Lawrence: So what are they calling the two doll kids anyway?

Dr Collingwood: They decided to called Kiki and Ethan " Scp-Stitched ". Kiki's brother Ethan is Scp-Stitched-1 while Kiki here, is Scp-Stitched-2

Kiki: Scp-Stitched-2 ( she said, pointing to herself )

Dr Collingwood: Yes, Kiki that's you. ( She said with a smile )

Dr Collingwood then handed Kiki a pencil and a notebook.

Dr Collingwood: You can write down your answers to my questions in case you can't speak it vocally, Okay?

Kiki: ( grabs the pencil with a smile ) Okay

Dr Collingwood: Okay, Do you have any other abilities other than mimicking?

Kiki shrugs her shoulders

Dr Collingwood: How long are you able to mimic things? I'm guessing a long time

Kiki: Long time ( she said with a nod )

Dr Collingwood: Okay, do you get a instinct to hurt people?

Kiki shakes her head no.

Kiki: Yes, I'm very sweet

The Mayham SCP ( An SCP Animated- Tales from the foundation fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now