Prologue: Wake up, You Have to Eat

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Within a dark and creepy basement was two small girls, both looked to be ten years old. One had hair that orange, red, and yellow like a flame but the other had hair that was jet black as a shadow. They both had very pale skin with dark freckles and they both had multiple wounds on their backs, arms, and legs. They were wearing a dirty ripped dress with no shoes. The girl with orange, red, and yellow hair was sitting on her knees on the ground looking at her sister with tears in her eyes as her sister laid on her stomach on the ground unmoving and seemingly to not be breathing. The girl with orange, red, and yellow hair looked at her sister with saddness and worry in her unatural bright blue eyes, pushed a dirty plate that had scraps of food that had some mold on it towards her sister.

Merita: Evelyn wake up, you have to eat! ( She pleaded to her unmoving sister ) please! You have to eat Evelyn! ( She pleaded as tears fell down her face )

Merita flinched as she heard her mother yelling through the walls of the basement, she also heard a voice of a man yelling back at her mother with a voice filled with anger and disgust. Merita ran to her sister's body and nuzzled to it seeking for the warmth and comfort from her sister to only feel the coldness of her sister's lifeless body. A loud roar then was heard as her mother's scream was echoed throughout the house. Then a massive black and crimson red creature with the body and head of a wolf, a lion's mane, a long and fluffy cat tail, the legs of a tiger, and a pair of large owl wings on the creature's back. The creature looked at Merita with blood on their paws, the creature then turned into a tall, handsome, and muscular man with chiseled features, long crimson red hair, bronze colored skin, unatural bright yellow eyes, and he was wearing black ripped animal hide pants. Merita looked at the man with tears of joy and ran into his arms. The man hugged his daughter lovingly in his arms before he looked at the lifeless body of Merita's sister. The man's face turned into one of sorrow.

Merita's father: Don't cry, I am here my cub... ( He said comforting Merita by hugging her close to him ) please don't cry, dry your eyes. wipe away your tears my cub... Forgive me, I didn't mean to have failed you and your sister.... Don't cry my cub, nothing will ever hurt you again, you've nothing to fear. I'm here ( he said to Merita with saddness in his voice )

Merita's father then slowly stood up with Merita in his arms, they went upstairs out of the basement, when they got in the living Merita's father covered her eyes preventing her from seeing something that she didn't know. They lefted the house without looking back and retreated into the mountains under the cover of night. Merita's father then took her to a cave high in the mountains, once they got inside the cave seven others kids that looked to be around the same age as Merita, they all were wearing clothes that looked to be made out of animal hide. There were three girls and four boys, they kids all had animal markings and unatural bright colored eyes. Once Merita's father gently placed her down on the ground the other children ran to Merita and started checking if she was okay. The boy with dirty blonde hair, unatural bright green eyes, and goat ears, tail, and legs ran to the far corner of the cave and came back with a med kit. After he got the med kit the ten what Merita thinks to be her possibly half siblings, started working together to treat Merita's wounds and bandage her up. As soon as Merita's siblings finished bandaging her up, they started to introduce themselves, starting with the goat boy.

Toko: hi I'm Toko!

Alexander: I'm Alexander but everyone usually call me Alex

Alexander had unatural bright gray eyes, fluffy brown hair, fair skin, and jaguar markings. Then two girl that looked to be identical twins went up to Merita with smiles, the two twins looked a year younger than Merita and had light brown hair, Siamese cat markings, and unatural bright blue eyes like her.

Fran: I'm Fran!

Bow: and I'm Bow!

Then a blonde girl that looked to be the oldest out of the other kids walked to Merita with a cold expression but with a warm presence, the blonde girl had ivory skin, unatural bright hazel eyes, and tiger markings.

Lilith: I'm Lilith, I'm the leader of our sibling pack. Don't be afraid to come to me if there's anything wrong okay.

Merita nodded her head at Lilith, then a boy with dark brown hair, pale skin, corgi markings, and unatural bright yellow eyes walked to Merita with a huge smile.

Juko: I'm Juko! Welcome to the family!

Then a boy that looked the same age as Lilith walked to her with a warm smile while placing a gentle hand on Merita's shoulder. The boy had platinum white hair, ivory skin, unatural bright brown eyes, and he had wolf markings like her.

Spirit: and I am Spirit, what's your name sister?

Merita: M-Merita, are we going to get m-my sister... ( she said silently and shyly but they still heard her )

Lilith looked at their father, he lowered his head in sorrow, Lilith quickly pulled Merita into a hug.

Lilith: she's in the stars now sister....


That's the prologue, I hope you like it

What do you think about Merita's father and her half siblings so far?

What do you think happened to Merita's mother and her twin sister?

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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