Chapter 1: The Capture and Observing

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Within the mountains of Arizona, under the cover of night, Merita was walking down the hiking paths of the mountains. She was a adult now, and was wearing a animal hide tank top and skirt, when she was young she used to try to hide her scars but her father and siblings have reminded her that her scars were signs that she has been through something tough and survived. Merita knew that her body had went through some minor changes that normal humans don't go through, the bottom of her feet have developed paw pads while keeping her feet looking human, that help her be able to walk the mountains for long periods of time without needing to worry about blisters or having to worry about getting a goat head stuck on her feet due to form what Merita had observed, the paw pads are almost unbreakable. Merita always knew that she has a habit of observing almost every detail of something that interested her or sparked her curiosity which has earned her omega status within her sibling pack. Merita ever mind being an omega as she knew it wasn't to be ashame of, every rank in a pack is important in her opinion it's either you accept your place in the pack or you'll never be happy within your pack. Something caught Merita's eye which interrupted her thoughts causing her to stop in place, Merita saw a group of armed humans that had a strange symbol with the letters " SCP " on their uniforms. Merita saw that they were about twenty miles away from the cave her family was living, she knew that she couldn't risk the chance of the humans finding her family so, she used her speed and agility to get closer to the group as soon as she got close enough to the group of humans she silently looked for an easy target for a warning attack. She then spot a human male that looked and her sense of smell telling her that he was sickly in some kind of way.

Lawrence heard the sound of silent growling that was similar to a wolf's but before he could say or this anything, he was tackled to the ground by a short woman with the markings of a wolf and wearing animal hide clothing, she was growling warning...

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Lawrence heard the sound of silent growling that was similar to a wolf's but before he could say or this anything, he was tackled to the ground by a short woman with the markings of a wolf and wearing animal hide clothing, she was growling warningly at him and the other SCP soldiers.

Lawrence: what the-

He was interrupted by the girl giving him a small scratch on his cheek, the wound wasn't too serious but it hurts like hell. The others started trying to shot her down but she didn't even flinch once as each bullet hit her, when Carson shot a bullet that was heading straight towards her head. The girl saw the bullet coming straight towards her and within seconds she acted like the bullet hit it's target to only open her eyes and smiled showing her teeth revealing that she caught the bullet with her teeth.

( A/n: okay, I know it's not really possible to do that but come on this is a SCP world it could be possible in a SCP case )

Carson: clever girl.... ( He said impressed )

The girl then spat out the bullet hitting Carson in his shoulder with a smile as she watched Carson fall to the ground with the bullet wound in his shoulder. While she was doing that Lawrence was getting his small tranquilizer dart gun that was around his belt and aimed at her side. Lawrence shot the tranquilizer dart into the girl's side which she didn't flinch at the dart hitting her, the girl started to show signs of nausea before she fell unconscious next to him but before she passed out Lawrence heard her whisper something.

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