Chapter 7: The Sad Tale of Evelyn

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Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck were in the interrogation room with Toko sitting at the table across from them.

Toko: Morning ladies, well I think it's morning, it's kinda hard to tell here.

Dr Collingwood: It's actually the afternoon Toko

Toko: damnit, anyway Greetings. Let me guess, you have questions for me?

Dr Buck: Yes, we would like to ask-

Toko: Questions that you think will help you find the rest of my family or about what we are capable of or what use we can provide to the foundation? ( He said with a knowing smile )

Dr Buck: Yes

Dr Collingwood: I'm guessing you know this because..

Toko: Yes, my mother has told me all she knew about the foundation and how things work around her.

Dr Buck: and yet she didn't hand you or report your family to the foundation?

Toko: No.. she never got the chance to..

Dr Collingwood: what do you mean?

Toko: ( sighs ) Well, you see, my father's species do have a main predator that often goes other mothers that are raising a cub. My father calls them " Slenders " after some kind of boogyman that humans possibly made up, I said possibly because you never truly know these days I mean, ( pulls Tickle monster out of his hair ) look at this little thing ( he said with a smile )

Dr Collingwood: how did you..

Toko: He wondered in here before you two came in, I've been holding onto him ( he said as he placed 999 on his lap ) Anyway where was I?

Dr Collingwood: you were talking about these Slenders.

Toko: Ah yes, They go after the young and mothers of my father's species, including human mothers and their hybrid young..

Dr Buck: And your mother..

Toko: I was four.. She waited until I turned four to take me to the foundation because she thought it would be better that I had some sense of the situation. She loved me of course but the Slender attacks kept getting worse and worse..

Dr Collingwood: So she was going to turn you in the foundation for protection from the Slenders?

Toko nods his head " yes " sadly before continuing

Toko: We were in the car when it happened, we were traveling by night so there wouldn't be so much risk of people seeing me. It was all calm and quiet, just the music coming from the radio and my Mom's terrible singing hehe.. then a Slender came out of nowhere and attacked the car, my mom was able to badly wound it with the pistol she carried whenever we were going outside but.. we crashed into a tree and.. and my mother was gone.. the Slender was about to kill me but my father appeared and killed it. When he saw that my mother is gone.. grief, saddness, and sorrow was written all over his face specially his eyes.. he must've sensed more Slenders coming because he then quickly grabbed me and fled into the mountains.. he blames himself for what happened but.. it wasn't his fault..

Dr Collingwood: Well, at least your here now, and hopefully the foundation will find a way to solve the Slender problem.

Dr Buck: Mery had mentioned that your father has multiple lovers and has more kids than just you and your pack of siblings. Are there any that you can think of that the foundation can take into custody to observe the developing process of your species?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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