Chapter 4: The Frustration

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Toko's head cannon voice: Nuka from Lion King

The voice of the Dolls Merita made, voices are:

Ethan's: Corpse from Raising Corpse

Kiki's: Kiri the Kenku ( basically she's just going to mimic the voices of others )

This is going to be fun, you can just tell...


Within the mountains of Arizona, Toko was in the underground hot springs and was about to take off his animal hide shorts when he sense someone coming in the underground hot springs, as soon as Toko saw the scp foundation symbol on their uniforms he looked at them with a smile which confused the agents.

Toko: hello, what can I do for you? ( He said politely )

( Back at the Foundation )

Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck were trying to talk Merita to talking to them but Merita didn't respond, Lawrence and a few others were trying to find a way of opening the doors to the cell to no avail.

Dr Buck turned on the intercoms of Merita's cell, with worry slightly shown on her face.

Dr Buck: Scp-Mayham, open the doors

There was no response, only the soft sounds of breathing. Dr Collingwood then tried to talk to Merita.

Dr Collingwood: Mery please talk to us, we want to know if your okay

Still no response, then two agents walked a man with goat ears, tail, horns, and legs in the monitoring room of Merita's Containment cell. He had short hair, a scar on his lip, and a hole in his ear.

Toko: hello I'm Toko, Toko Mayham. I have heard that my sister had a melt down and had locked herself up. Am I correct?

Dr Collingwood: yes, I am Dr Collingwood and this is Dr Buck we are the ones that are mainly in charge of your sister's containment.

Dr Buck: has your sister have melt downs before?

Toko: oh yeah plenty, don't worry. Toko knows how to help her. Let me guess she sealed all the doors to the room and is refusing to speak?

Dr Collingwood: yes how did you know?

Toko: ( shurgs ) she's my sister, I kinda know how she is. Just point me to the nearest vent to the room

The Mayham SCP ( An SCP Animated- Tales from the foundation fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now