Chapter 14: Invite

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When the Bio class for Thursday ended, Sonia closed her books and said, "Hey Maddy? My friends and I were planning to get together at our spot, which is like a cabin at the edge of town. It might seem creepy but it isn't really-"

Maddy chuckled and interrupted her, "Get to the point..."

Sonia smiled, "Yeah, so we hang out there from time to time and we see a couple of movies, have a few drinks and food and have a sleepover and stuff. So, I was wondering if you'd wanna join us."

"Uh... I don't know Sonia. I don't think your friends will like me."

"They themselves wanted me to invite you! Right guys?" Joel and Evie nodded standing ahead of Sonia and Maddy as they all exited the class. "Also, didn't you say that you wanted to have a change of scene?"

"Yeah... That's true..." There were a few lies here and there. "Well, let me see if my friends had anything planned and then I'll let you know, okay?"


"See you at the café then."

"Yeah. See you!" Maddy said and they split in opposite directions, screaming internally. One with joy. Oh my god, she literally invited me to one of their parties!

The other with frustration. Why was I being blabbering on and on?! Ugh....


Maddy and Sonia sat in their spot in the café, upstairs at the sofa-and-chair table in a corner, doing the research for their bio project. They hadn't talked much before starting to work on their project and all Maddy could think about was the Friday invite. So after reading a site that she was asked to read and copy-pasting all the suitable information onto their shared Google doc, Maddy said, "Hey, about the... Friday thing?"

"Mhmm?" responded Sonia while reading a pdf. Maddy didn't continue, she waited till Sonia gave all of her attention. Sonia noticed and stopped reading and said, "Yes?"

"So I asked my friends and they didn't have any plans for Friday. So I'm free!"

"Cool." Yes!

"So what's the vibe gonna be like?"

Does she know that they hate her? "...Meaning? It's gonna be chill of course."

"No like, what kind of clothes should I wear?"

"Oh, uh... casual? Like way more cash than this," Sonia said gesturing at Maddy's fit.

"This is literally just a crop top and jeans!"

"I-I don't know it looks like something you feel uncomfortable in," and she earned a glare from Maddy before apologizing, "in my opinion. I'm sorry. But like, we're only gonna sit around and watch films. So wear something comfortable, pajama-like. I'm gonna wear my pajamas!"

"You always wear clothes that are like pajamas."

With a serious tone, she replied, "And I regret nothing cause I'm fucking free and wild." They laughed.

Maddy went back to her laptop with a grin and said, "You know I would have liked to have a proper date before meeting your friends."

Sonia froze. Eyes wide and her cheeks about to break into smile, she said, "What?"

Maddy looked up and realized what she said. "It was just a joke!"

"Oh!" She gave a fake laugh, "I got scared for a second."

"Lol." Why am I hiding that I like her? Like, shouldn't I flirt with her? Why am I bad at this all of a sudden? For fucks sake.

They both hid their faces behind their laptops, hating themselves.


Maddy narrated the events that transpired at the café and added her thoughts while she lay on Lexi's bed and Cassie figured out what to wear. Her friends laughed as she whined, "Why am I so bad at this all of a sudden?"

Lexi gave up on reading her book and placed a bookmark in it as she laughed and said, "Maybe your tricks only work on guys."

The room erupted in another round of laughs, except Maddy who dramatically pouted. Kat said, "Okay, seriously though, what're you gonna do about it? When are you gonna ask her out?"

"I don't know when or how. And, like, how can I ask her if she's not even into me?"

"You can ask her friends when you're at the sleepover," said BB.

"But they hate me. Remember?" said Maddy sitting up and pointing out the obvious.

"I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't even let Sonia invite you if they didn't like you at least a little bit," said Cassie shoving a hangar back in her closet. "She must've at least talked them down. So play your cards right and you'll get new followers."

"And how do I do that Miss Cassie?"

"Be nice. They thrive on kindness, so be as accommodating as possible," answered Lexi from behind Maddy. "But don't be too compromising because we don't know how much they hate you and how far they'd go to test you."

"Hmm... By the way, they have like this thing where everybody nominates one movie each and gets to vote for two of all the nominated movies and then the top 5 movies get rented."

"Rented?" mocked Kat.

"Yeah. I didn't ask more about that, I didn't wanna be rude."


"Yeah. So I was saying that I need your help in picking a movie. I need to send it to her by tonight so that they can vote. It needs to be something they'd also want to see."

Everybody took a moment to think and Lexi suggested, "What about Inception? It's an older film but it's pretty mind-bending. You also understand it more every time you see it and since she's a sci-fi-psycho she'll love it."

"Is sci-fi-psycho a legit thing btw?" asked BB.

In a slightly irritated tone, Maddy said, "I don't know but I know for a fact that Sonia is one. Literally today, there was some unexplained thing where some guinea pigs and the dude who bred them went missing on a random fun-facts site that she was reading. She told me about it and was like 'wHAt iF ThEy mUtAtED aNd AtE tHe BreEdeR?'"

They all lightly laughed and Maddy continued, "It's cute that she does that because her eyes literally sparkle no matter how... gore the theory is, but it makes no sense! Like the dude must've literally released them in the wild and lived a nice life!"

They all laughed but Kat, Cassie, Lexi and BB were laughing at Maddy. Cassie made it clear, "Maddy, you're not making sense."

Maddy stopped laughing. She theatrically whined, "Hey..."

When Lexi was done, she said, "Anyways, send 'Inception' in quickly."

"Nobody else got anything?" Everybody else shrugged with smiles still on and Maddy sent the text to Sonia before hysterically saying, "I hate you guys. How dare you laugh at me."


AN: Hope you liked this chapter! If you did, PLEASE vote or comment on it!!

         Next chapter comes Wednesday! Until then,


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