Chapter 47: Teddy's Side

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TW: Suicidal thoughts, breaking down

AN: Just a reminder, I suggest that you only listen to each song after its mentioned, so that you can see what Maddy was going through.

    The link:



Maddy moved on from Nate and clicked the play button.

Tears slowly lined her eyelids while she read the paper, holding it high up above her face as she lay on the pastel pink rug.

2. Queen of High School by Hana Vu & WILLOW: I know I may seem chill on the outside, but I'm constantly worrying about who I am, how I interact with people and what effects I have on them. So, I have read and received quite a huge chunk knowledge of things that thins down to "I don't know anything about anyone. I don't know what they've seen, what they've done to be here, what their parents have done or anything. So I can't judge them and it's not my job." So you can do what you want, be the Queen of High School or whatever. I didn't judge you completely by your actions then and I won't now. ❤️✨I love you✨❤️ because I know that at your center, you're a good person.

(Sorry this description was so long. Just wanted to make myself clear. It can also be like a hug if you ever feel like I'm lying about liking you. Like, FUCK YOU dOuBtSs. I LOOOOOOVE MS. MADELEINE PEREZ WITH THE ENTIRETY OF MY EXISTENCE!!!)

She brought the paper down to her chest and began fully sobbing as she hugged the paper and listened to the lyrics.




i wanna die....

3. About a Girl by The Academy Is...:

Stage 1- Denial about my crush for you popping back up when we started talking lol

She paid attention to the song and couldn't help smiling through the song, her cheeks turned red to match her eyes after she stopped crying.

On hearing the last line of the second verse, Maddy got up.

"These lines so well rehearsed, tongue-tied
And overloaded
You never noticed"

Wait. Was she gonna ask me out before I did?? Did she choke out? Is she trying to tell me that through the song???

Either way this song is so cute!!! Like, it's so cute being so stubborn! Like, "I'm not in love, okay?! This song's not about her oKAyYy?!?! I'm not gonna waste these words on her! I'm not in love... or am I?" Like, god is that CUTE.

When she reached the bridge of the song, she picked up the mixtape and started dancing around. She danced and danced till she forgot that she was crying a song ago.

By the time the next song started playing, she was panting. She took the paper from the floor and jumped onto her bed.

4. I Want You to Want Me by Letters to Cleo:

Stage 2- Being afraid to ask you out

It must be about the time before I asked her out.

Maddy laid across her bed taking in the lyrics and remembering the peaceful times. She walked down the memory lane of the Bio classes that she suddenly started looking forward to, their meetings at the café after her cheer practice and simply being together.

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