Chapter 15: The Ride

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The girls were walking over to their lockers when Kat asked, "So Maddy, how are you gonna go to the sleepover?"

Maddy tried to frown her lips and hide her blush and casually say, "She said she'd come pick me up at 6."

"Wait, alone?"


The girls screamed from beside her in joy while her smile broke out.

"Oh my god! Congratulations!" said Lexi, hugging her.

"But it's nothing!" She whispered, "I haven't asked her out yet. So you know..."

"Yeah. But that'll come in it's flow, don't worry," comforted BB.

"So is she gonna pick you up from your house?" asked Cassie.

"Not exactly. I'm gonna wait outside the block."


Cassie's question was interrupted a guy coming coming up to Maddy out of nowhere and gave an awkward wave saying, "Hey Maddy."

"Hey...." she said staring the tall boy down.

The red-haired athlete pretending to be innocent, said, "In case you don't know, my name's Grant."

"I didn't know."

He chuckled, thinking Maddy was trying to play cute. "Do... you wanna hang out sometime tonight? I don't know, maybe we could go bowling or something."

"I already have plans."

"What about Saturday? Are you gonna come to Calum's party?

"I... might be busy but even if I went to the party, I won't hang out with you." The girls snickered and Maddy continued, "So if you could get out of my way-" and walked past him. The girls followed.

His ego got hurt and he called Maddy from 10 steps behind her, catching the attention of most students. "Well you should consider yourself lucky that I even asked you out because, news flash!, nobody thinks you're hot anymore."

The sea of people between them parted, BB was about to yell bullets at him but Maddy snapped quickly and calmly, "Oh no! I'm so sad that one guy doesn't think I'm hot! That too a loser! What should I do with my life now? Waa... Is that what you wanted hear man baby?"

Grant did not know how to reply, his mouth vanished by the realization that almost a hundred people were watching and filming Maddy laugh at him.

"Hello? Got nothing to say?" She turned backwards to Cassie and Kat and asked loudly, feigning concern, "Guys, can you hear him?" They replied smiling, "No."

"Thank god, I thought I went deaf! ..So, if you're gonna continue vomiting shit, or not, I'm leaving. Bye! Hope you climb your way out of the dumps!" she said and they resumed heading for her locker.

Once the crowd got away from them, Kat said, "That was nice, but you could've done better."

"Yeah, I know. I just haven't been able to practice lately."

The ladies chuckled, talked for a while and separated for their classes.


Maddy walked to the end of her block in black sweats, a white tank and sneakers with a backpack in hand and waited for five minutes before Sonia came to pick her up in a sky blue 2000 Ford Mondeo. Sonia smiled and waved at her from the open window. Maddy waved back before they got in the passenger seat. "Hi! Did I make you wait too long?"

"It's been less than five minutes I think."

"Okay." Once she was settled, Sonia asked, "Let's go?"

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