Chapter 48: Rightful Heir

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My bare feet bared hard against the grass and dirt, running hard through the forest to reach the Queen's castle in time for her birthday. Jumping over giant colorful fungi that hummed in loving melodies when touched and through tall floral fields that bickered and tsked in my presence didn't make me slow down for anything, not even when my feet ached. I couldn't slow down.

I tried to think of a shortcut to get to the castle the fastest way, but the only way I could think of was to go through the Courthouse, also known as Courtly's home. There's no possible way she would be there, but I still couldn't be careless if I dared to try.

I only need to go around. It could be possible. She could already be at the party. I had to try. Taking the passageway toward the place left me straight in front of the courtyard. My battered legs darted toward the back going around the building to the other side, panting hard while barely taking a breath.

There wasn't much time to think but only to stop Courtly from her plan and tell Lizzie's mother the truth. Then we can finally put an end to all of this and make it back to normal, or well, what it was.

As I went around toward the back of the courthouse, a high pitched sound suddenly rang in my ear slowly becoming louder. Covering my ears with my hands did nothing as it continued for a moment before briefly going away.

Could that be a side effect from Courtly's curse? Shaking it off, I continued through the forest, pushing past the bushy branches to finally see the Queen's castle not too far off in the distance. The green haze of the Evil Queen 's curse shined on the land as a creepy dark cloud. It only made it look colder, but the sounds of the music from the party and the laughter of the guests proved it be perfervid.

Hopefully I'm not too late. There was the entrance where there was a long line full of people from all of Wonderland, presents in their hands ready to be gifted to the queen. Sneaking my way into a spot without anyone looking was a bit difficult.

It wasn't like I could easily blend in with the crowd. Not with an appearance with like this. I wouldn't even he let in. Of course, I wouldn't be. The red queen wants my head. I just have to fix it all and bring everything back to the way it was.


Waiting in line was one thing.


Being stared at ludicrously by everyone else was another.


Behind me, eyes were glued to my appearance. It was difficult to tell if it was because of my status as the white queen's daughter, or for my simply grotesque appearance. There was no time to get myself cleaned up beforehand. I looked a mess. Blood stained every inch of cloth on my body while marks and deep cuts were still fresh. In the plain of day, I was like a gory horror scene. The stares were reasonable. Definitely not fit for a birthday party.

It was no matter. I wasn't worried about them. Enoch was already supposed to be here but he isn't. Searching through the line and the outer crowd to find him was useless. Perhaps he could have gone inside. But he wouldn't have done that without us. Unless, he waited for too long and assumed we would also be inside, so he could be looking for us instead. Except Chase isn't here. There's no telling when he will come. What's taking him so long anyway? I hope he is alright.

We haven't seen each other at all since we were captured by Courtly. There was no telling as to what Chase is possibly up to right now. He could be doing something completely different on his own accord.

Maybe he's forgotten all about this and I haven't come across his mind at all. We were supposed to be together throughout all of this. And now, everything is crumbling before getting the chance to restore what was already broken.

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