Chapter 34: Uh Oh Cheerio

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Chapter 34: Uh Oh Cheerio

A week had passed, meaning it was only closer for the Red Queen's birthday. It was another day marked on the calendar. It was only two weeks and a half until then, while I continued to patiently wait. Until that day arrived, I've been spending plenty of time with Chase and following up with my shenanigans with him going on adventures and spontaneously doing things with him and sometimes with Nova included.

She was a wonderful asset. She was beautiful as she was kind. However, her big mouth did get herself in trouble a lot with her father, causing her not to visit us as much. We were considered a "bad influence". Well, I was. Could you blame me?

I'm the rebel child. I was disobedient and always did my own thing independently. And whoever was dragged into the mix, well, they tended to follow along with my weird ideas. However, Chase was brilliant with coming up with his own plans as well. The fun times of us going for plenty of horseback riding or spending time at the beach or his little hideout, we always had fun together.

Chase was an amazing person and friend. He always supported me in my decisions, and always had that positive upbeat attitude I loved about him. Sure, it got serious from time to time. We'd have conversations about our family and how we felt about the situations. But in the end, we were there for each other. One of us would take the other's hand, talk each other through it, and supported one another no matter how one of us felt.

We were a great team. In this short time of getting to know him, it felt good to have a close friend like him. It was personal, relatable, and honestly, probably one of the best friendships I've ever had. And it hurt to think about. It felt like I was replacing Alistair. He was my best friend. He still is my best friend. There was no one on earth that he would ever be replaced by anybody.

However, this time it felt different. Whatever Alistair and I had, it was definitely real and personal. After all, he was my best friend that I've known for years. But even him and I haven't spent every single minute together for days on end in each other's presence like Chase and I have. There was a definite difference, but I couldn't exactly explain what it was. It just was what it was.

Currently, I was trying to peel off the dead skin from my back that burnt when I was in the blazing sun at the beach with Chase. We hid down there most of our days throughout the week since it was particularly sunny and exceedingly hot during the days. There weren't really many days that were cool or cold or even much rain. Usually, in Wonderland, it was practically always warm and sunny with a few clouds spotted in our colorful sky. It was always rather radiant with the colors of the rainbow filling the sky at ominous hours during the day just for the heck of it. It was nice.

I peeled off a rather large layer of dead skin. The satisfied feeling from the peeling sensation mixed with the admiration of staring and playing with the skin in fascination always affected me in such a way. Chase was always weirded out how I enjoyed myself with the peeling process, but then again, he found it oddly amusing watching me pick at it. I didn't mind. It kept us both busy and entertained for the moment while it lasted before I had picked it all off.

Of course, being as pale as I am, I never really tanned or got darker in a sense. I would only burn, then peel, and get the occasional freckle if it decided to come out. My freckles rarely came out, so when they did there was only love toward them. It was a rare chance if I was lucky enough. However, they mainly only show up around my face and the front side of my arms, dotting the surface like little specks of kisses from angels. At least, that's what Chase would call them. It was the cutest thing.

There was the time a day or two ago, I wasn't sure, mainly because I've been starting to lose track of time. But here, time was never really a big deal in Wonderland to begin with. Nothing was ever as it seemed. I learned that the hard way, and sure, there may be a possibility that was mostly directed toward my mother and rest of the Wonderlandians who had either betrayed me or just held a disinterest in me anyways. I didn't blame them. In all honesty, I would too. There was a lot of blame held toward my mother. It was self explanatory.

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