Chapter 49: The Beacon Answers

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Chapter 49: The Beacon Answers

Eons ago, there was an endless void. A flash of light broke through the solar system, and then alas, the world was born. And born from the stars, was a light of hope: a beacon fallen from the celestial body and given to the sod. A child born from a shimmer of starlight. A glimmer of stars created by the vast cosmos by the birthplace of the galaxy.

Darkness faded away from the bright shinning light glimmering below in the firmament. A bright luminous orb sparked in the firmament, twinkling like a star that slipped out like a curtain.

It left as quick as it came transcending down in search for its carrier. Time went forward as it occasionally flickered through its existence bidding it's time. Many moons and many suns passed as it was left watching mankind recreate and destroy itself and build it all up again.

The light finally found where it truly belonged. It appeared to a mother in grief of her departed descendant with a wrath progressing so malign it would change the balance of everything. The spark turned itself into a vessel in an empty womb filling its center with a new creation knowing it finally belonged. There it would create fragments of new life fulfilling its purpose.

The new creation was pure in its form to give itself new life with endless possibilities and potential. A gift from the cosmos to be brought forth into reality only to change everything and shine light to humanity, or succumb to the shadows of darkness.

A yearn for hope was born to bring peace and harmony back. From the cold void of space, a spark burst forth into creation from the cosmic depths inventing a new thing.

By that shimmer of starlight, falling to the earth, it sprouted onto the world to soon come and shine light of the bright stars or darken like the shadows. Made from stardust, was a light that became a tangible being, a symbol of itself to spring into life into something ordinary to the eye. At least, until it awakens to its final form.

The power can only shine where there is no light. Even if the eclipse blacks out all light above...

A ringing pain shot forth through my eardrums. Pain infiltrated my head, pounding heavily. Strange memories that weren't my own bombarded, images and thoughts racking through my brain that seared like an open book.

Where it was all darkness a burst of light spurted out of nowhere to grow brighter, falling from the heavens to drop down onto the world below. A labored woman burst with new life, bearing a babe that did not cry. A dollop of ivory hair tufted on a head white as milk. A mother would only think it would only bring death. Resembling a stillborn, quiet and still, the baby was resented and uncared for.

Flashbacks of my mother, grabbing me hard by the arm or ear, yelling and scolding, calling me a monster for turning her spoons into playable chess pawns. I was four. By the age of five, all her colorful yarn would fly into a whirlwind of colors, twirling and spinning around my room where I would dance amongst the rainbows before it burst into strings of shimmering gold.

It was always over silly things otherwise. For some reason the little rocking horses would call me pretty things that she couldn't understand why I would respond. Or how whenever she said "I try to love you" there would always be a "but" immediately followed afterwards. The kindest words were only simple demands, commanding me to be her obedient child that still found ways to rebel. Granted, mother knew why, but she tried to conceal it all for as long as she could.

Running to my father to cry out horrible things mother would call me, he would coddle me in his lap, rocking me back and forth in song lulling my heartbreak and tears into dreamless sleep. The prickling of his peppery beard brushing against my forehead tickled as he kissed the pain away. He always made me feel better no matter what it was. His bear hugs fixed everything.

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