Chapter 16: A Friend in Need

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Chapter 16: A Friend in Need

I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I groaned, turning my back from the door so I could just ignore it hoping it would go away. The banging on the door only got louder and more annoying.

I groaned getting out of my bed while taking my blanket with me as a scuffled along the floor with my covers wrapped around me like a burrito. I displeasingly opened the door to see Alistair and Bunny side by side together. I looked down seeing both their hands in each other's. I scowled feeling my anger rise within me before pushing it back down to ignore it.

"What's up?" I asked trying to not appear disinterested. Well, I was. I was upset and now confused. Are they a thing now too? Just when I thought things couldn't get worse.

"Guess what!" Bunny exclaimed happily. I grimaced. Here it comes.

"What?" I said not caring in the slightest. I magically in my mind put a wall between us to protect my emotions so I wouldn't get hurt again. I just didn't want my best friends falling for each other. That means. . . less time with me. I didn't want to lose them too. They're the only true people I have left in my life. I can't have them abandon me too. . . But then that would be selfish. I would be just like my mother. And I didn't want that. They deserve to be happy. They look happy together. Even if it does mean excluding me.

"We," said Bunny but not without her cute little giggle. Alistair nodded for her to continue. "We're dating now! Isn't that hexciting?!"

And there it is.

I put on the biggest smile I could. I was trying everything in my power to not cry.

"I'm so proud! My two best friends! Together! At last! I'm so happy I-I could just cry!" I said loudly as a heavy tear fell as I said it. I blinked the rest away quickly so they couldn't notice.

"Aww we knew you'd be happy for us," said Bunny with her pretty cherry lip smile. I glanced at Alistair who's eyebrows raised at me questionably. He knew I was upset. How does he always see right through me? I'm like an open book to him.

"Yeah! I'm so happy!" I smiled so big it hurt. "Wh-why don't you guys do something together to celebrate your new found relationship. I'll stay here so I'll be out of your way. You love birds have fun!"

I eagerly pushed them out of the door so they could leave me alone as I slammed it behind them on the way out. I immediately crashed to the floor against the door sobbing in the palms of my hands.

Why am I being so selfish? Why can't I just be happy for them? Why does it hurt so much? I shouldn't be feeling this way. I should be happy for them. Don't I want them to be? Of course I do! They deserve it. They deserve each other. Everyone deserves their happily ever after with someone they love. Supposedly that isn't meant for me. But then why does it make me feel so miserable?

A sudden knock on the door broke me from my thoughts. I quickly got to my feet and fixed myself running my hands down my face to wipe away my tears. I saw black on my hands but before I could even look to wipe away the mascara rolling down my cheeks the door swept open. Alistair walked inside alone as Bunny was no where in sight.

"W-where's Bunny?" I asked as he came inside the room. His eyebrows furrowed looking at me worriedly.

"I came to grab something she forgot. Are you crying?" Alistair asked me talking a step closer. I backed up nervously hitting my shin against my coffee table. By surprise it completely took me off guard causing me to fall backward. By instinct, Alistair had caught me in his arms from crashing into all my beautiful Wonderlandian chinaware.

Our eyes met. His crystal blue meeting my sapphire eyes as his expression of sudden shock before I could plummet into the table breaking everything. He brought me back to my feet as he looked at me oddly. Something was definitely on his mind.

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