Chapter 17: The Fight

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Chapter 17: The Fight

"I've been waiting for over ten minutes," said Bunny Blanc sweetly. "I almost thought you'd forgotten but you're just. . . hugging. Am I missing something here?"

"No, Iz just needed her best friend for a moment." Alistair said before getting to his feet off my bed. No. . .

"Oh," said Bunny with a frown before her eyes averted to me before sticking back to Alistair, walking up to him closely. "Are we ready now? We don't want to be late to our movie. It's my favorite! The Midnight Moon Era: Kiss at Starry Road." I scrunched up my face. Romance? Gross. Alistair was never fond of that. He prefers action or sci-fi. Just the same how I liked it.

"O-of course, Bun," said Alistair with a slight nod of his head. He turned back to me quickly with a shrug while I could only pout at him for leaving so soon. I didn't want him to go. We were just fine until she showed up to take him away from me. Yikes, maybe I do have clingy issues. I should give them space.

"You guys go have fun," I said while giving them a wave goodbye even though there was nothing good about it.

"Are you sure, Izzy?" asked Alistair before being led out by Bunny by the wrist.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine! Like she said, we should go have some fun." Bunny said before pulling him out of my bedroom. Alistair glances back at me one more time while I gave him a wave as she dragged him away out of the room with the door closed loudly behind them.

I sighed, knowing nothing else better to do with my time. I ended up playing myself a game of Chess against myself once again. Just like the good old times of being in a dungeon with hardly anything at all except my imagination really. Luckily I had plenty of that.

I had probably finished two and a half games of chess before Bunny got back to the room we shared. She had a flower in her clutch in her favorite color as she put it in front of her vanity mirror before she clapped happily to herself. Looks like somebody had a rather pleasant evening. She plopped on top of her bed kicking off her shoes with her feet.

"Looks like somebody had a great time,"
I said trying to be he happy for her.

"Oh yes, it was so romantic," she said dreamily. "After the movie we went strolling through the streets while all the stars were out. They're so much prettier out here. Wonderland was nice but here they're so big and sparkly! It's probably thanks to the curse not here. We had such a great time together. Alistair picked me out this rose from the park and I-I just couldn't help it. I kissed him."

"Y-you kissed?" I said shooting out of my seat and skidding over to her bed. She giggled, hugging herself as she reminisced the moment.

"Yes, even though it was quite strange. After I kissed him he whispered your name for some reason. I was like "No, Bunny Blanc. That's my name." Like why on earth was he thinking of you during that? Quite a turn off if you ask me but I brushed it away thinking nothing about it. But then he made up some excuse to end the night so early so he went off somewhere. Maybe he's thinking of the kiss! He was probably embarrassed he said your name over mine. I would be too."

"Why would he say my name?" I said in thought. That was weird. Weirder than our usual weird.

"That's what I was wondering. But no matter, it's not like he likes you. After all, he did choose me first." Bunny said turning over on her stomach to stare at her rose in an enchanted state. She's love sick for him. I felt my cheeks flush red as I looked away. Of course Alistair couldn't like me. I'm just his best friend. But what if he did? No, no, he likes Bunny.

"Well, not really, but yeah go ahead and think what you want." I said bluntly. Oops.

"What?" Bunny said sitting up to look at me confused. "What do you mean? I asked him out and he said yes. Are you saying there was somebody else?"

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